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             Symptom of Moral Injury at the Workplace or Something More?

                                               A Thought Analysis

                                            By Rodolfo (Rudy) Molina MD MACR FACP

          The word and concept of “burnout” is be-  pational context and states it should not be   jury”, defined as “a betrayal of what’s right by
        coming better known and now more often   applied to other experiences in other areas of   someone who holds legitimate authority in a
        written about in medicine.  What is it?  The   life.   It goes further by describing three   high-stakes situation, so that there can be per-
        Oxford Dictionary notes the first use of   characteristics:              sonality changes and complications in treat-

        burnt out was in 1837 describing elder no-                               ing the post-trauma injury.”  In the case of the
                                               1. Feeling of energy depletion or
        bleman.  In 1926, the term burnt out was                                 Vietnam vets, there were frequent complaints
        used to describe a young woman’s demeanor.    2. Increased mental distance from one’s   of being issued M-16 rifles that malfunc-
        So, I did a PubMed search using the terms   job or feeling of negativism or cyni-  tioned, or being sent out on patrols where
        burn out or burn-out from 1926 through   cism related to ones’ occupation, and    they felt like sitting ducks in difficult and un-
        2020.  There were no references to burn out   3. Reduced professional efficacy.     familiar terrain by commissioned officers
        up until the early 1970s.  From 1970 through                             corps.  Moral injury has been applied to our
        1979, there were a total of sixty-five articles   The WHO recognizes these as symptoms   medical profession as the root for burnout.
        published that mentioned burn out.  There-  arising from the stress of one’s occupation.    As I read through the literature, I thought
        after, a steady increase in the number of arti-  We have heard about burnout in other occu-  the idea of moral injury should be expanded
        cles mentioning burnout appear in our   pations such as policing, fire fighters, as well   to more completely address the issue of
        literature.  A sampling of the number of arti-  as field and service workers during the pan-  burnout.  Over my last forty-one years (nine
        cles published each in the following years   demic.  The stress of constant re-entry into a   in the military and 32 in private practice)
        gives us a sense of the continual increase and   hazardous job is considered a factor that leads   that I’ve been practicing medicine and hear-
        interest in this subject.            to burnout.                         ing my colleagues speak of their issues and
          In 1980, 32 articles were published dealing   If burnout is a description of a symptom   problems with their practices, I’ve pondered
        with burnout; in 1990, 161 articles; in the   complex associated with one’s occupation,   the idea of burnout.  This has led me to the
        year 2000, 329 articles were published; and   then the root of the problem would be the   following analysis of the problem.  I believe
        in 2019, 1,644 articles were published.  The   stressors of that particular occupation.    there are three areas of activity that we have
        concept of burnout has become so promi-  Jonathan Shay began to talk about combat   to be managed successfully to address and
        nent, the World Health Organization   stress in October 1991, comparing it to what   prevent burnout.   And if any one of these
        (WHO) designated burnout with the ICD-  was described in Homer’s Iliad and the sol-  areas fails, burnout is eminent for the other
        10 code of Z73.0.  This code defines burnout   diers who returned from battle.  He then   two cannot compensate.  The three areas are:

        as circumstances which influence the pa-  wrote about the Achilles in Vietnam in 1994,
                                                                                   1. Resilience (self-motivation),
        tients’ health status, but not a current illness   discussing severe cases of Post-Traumatic
                                                                                   2. Life balance, and
        or injury and one that is unacceptable as a   Stress Disorder.  These solders were trained   3. Control of the workplace.
        principal diagnosis.  The ICD -11 code,   to commit legal criminal acts and after they
        QD85, more clearly defines and characterizes   witnessed horrific battle scenes, they then re-  I’ll discuss each individually. I do want to
        burnout as a chronic workplace stress that has   turned to civilian life where they could no   clarify that this analysis applies to the individ-
        not been successfully managed.  It refers   longer trust their leaders.  Why?  They were   ual who continues to try working at 100%, de-
        specifically to this phenomenon in the occu-  suffering from what he termed a “moral in-  spite failing in any one of these three areas.

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