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        2019 MERCEDES GLC AMG 63 Coupe

         By Stephen Schutz, MD

          We have apparently reached an inflection point. Electric cars  bustion engines feature ever increasing fuel efficiency and horse-
        are not only inevitable, but they stand ready, like barbarians at the  power coupled with emissions that drop every year. Today’s gaso-
        gate, to upend our automotive lives, like right now. Ok, really later  line powered internal combustion engines run the gamut from gas
        this year and on into 2020 and beyond. But all automotive prog-  sipping three cylinder units to the incredibly stout aforementioned
        nosticators say that electric cars will replace internal combustion  Hellcat V8. I believe there’s a lot of life left in these automotive
        engines soon and forever.                                “dinosaurs.”
          Or will they? I hate to be a party pooper, but I’ve noticed that  Take the GLC AMG 63S Coupe I recently tested. This vehicle,
        the best-selling vehicle in the U.S. is the thirsty non-electric Ford  oddly named like a confirmation code, is actually a fastback GLC
        F-150 pickup truck, extra thirsty 700-plus HP non-electric Hellcat  stuffed with one of Mercedes’ most potent V8s. And it’s a blast
        Challengers and Chargers are selling strongly, Toyota is having  to drive.
        trouble moving fuel sipping Priuses, and Chevy just discontinued  But before we get to that, let’s take a moment to acknowledge a
        the mostly electric Volt.                                reality of 2019 that I’ve addressed before: cars are dying and SUVs
          One of the reasons I’m skeptical of an all-electric future hap-  and crossovers are taking their place. It’s reality. In 2018, fully 70 per-
        pening soon is that many modern cars powered by internal com-  cent of passenger vehicles sold were SUVs or crossovers.

         44  San Antonio Medicine   •  March  2019
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