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          Another solution offers a specific method that physicians use to  Employers are moving to the bundled-pricing model to control
        increase their volume of patients and improve their bottom line:  cost and increase quality. Each stakeholder gains something in this
        • Review all the surgeries you perform                 scenario:
        • Choose the 10 you perform most and presumably enjoy perform-  • Surgeons have a quality facility to work in, with a steady stream
          ing the most.                                          of available patients
        • Track metrics (you might already have this information)   • Patients have access to a quality facility with known quality met-
           o  success rates,                                     rics and proven outcomes
           o  cases performed,                                 • Employers have a known entity held to specific standards of care
           o  complication rates and any other necessary information  with a known cost
                                                               • The Hospital has a steady stream of patients whose bills are paid
          A solution may be found by contacting a service that connects  promptly.
        surgeons directly to patients; register and provide the information
        they request. Once registered, you will begin to receive a request for  Outcome-based care was a solution discussed at the Healthcare
        proposals for only the surgeries you want to perform. The result  Financial Management Association (HFMA) conference in Las
        can be a new and consistent flow of surgeries that you can choose  Vegas this June. Because margins are already squeezed on all sides
        to perform and determine the cost. Payment terms between the  and C-Suite executives – of an individual practice or a large facility
        payer of care and the surgeon are agreed upon up front and there  – there is a lot of trepidation about how to move to this model. The
        are no insurance issues to deal with.                  general consensus at the HFMA conference is that bundled pricing
          Bundled prices for outcome-based care are also a solution. The  and direct contracting are coming; let’s figure out how to make it
        administrative side is clean and simple which enables the physician  work for us.
        to spend more time with the patient and doing work that he or she  In summary, every market is unique, and the solutions need to be
        loves… rather than paperwork!                          local. Access to care and social determinants are huge issues in San
          This allows employers hungry for solutions to offer best in class  Antonio. Moving to a more outcome-based approach, that works
        care at a more reasonable cost.                        for patients, payers (mostly employers) as well as providers can help
          Hospitals may use bundled pricing and direct contracting to im-  us address many of the issues we face here – Diabetes, Kidney Dis-
        prove their already solid market position. Already recognized as a  ease, Maternal Mortality, Infectious Disease, as well as many others.
        location of choice for several surgical specialties, their goal is to con-
        tinue to grow and make their facility the location of choice for sur-  Allison De Paoli is the founder of  De Paoli Professional Services. She can
        geons of all specialties.                              be reached at or by calling 210-857-4322.

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