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        2018-19 BCMS

        Leadership Series

          Congratulations to the physician members that attended
        the first ever bCMS leadership Seminar Series which began
        in September of 2018 and concluded on May 6, 2019! At-
        tendees received up to 10 hours of professional leadership
        training enabling them to be better leaders and managers in
        their practices, in organized medicine and in the community.
          The course was taught by professors from Trinity Univer-
        sity’s Masters Program who are experts in teaching physicians
        the techniques, strategies, and methods of leadership that
        enable a physician to step up and lead with confidence while
        knowing how to engage others and rally them to the desired
        goals. Attendee evaluations of the course were unanimously
        positive about the quality of the course and how much they
          Plans are being made to offer another leadership Series
        beginning  in  the  fall.  Watch  your  email  in  the  next  few
        months for details.

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