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             “But first, let me take a selfie.
             Can you guys help me pick a
             filter? I don’t know if  I should
             go with looking tan, skinny,
             removing wrinkles…”

          The best way                                       S   kin care, cosmetic procedures, lasers and other devices are con-

                                                                 tinually being enhanced in order to keep up with the demands
                                                             of the aging person to look and feel younger. The prominent influ-
          to maintain                                        ence of social media has dramatically increased self-awareness and

                                                             the ways people seek to improve their appearance. Every blemish,
          healthy skin                                       wrinkle and flaw are scrutinized in an attempt to rejuvenate and satisfy
                                                             their appearance.
                                                               With the growth of the ‘selfie generation,’ people are now seeking
          is through                                         instant gratification more so than ever. Procedures such as botulinum
                                                             toxin and fillers have increased in popularity due in part to the rise of
                                                             social media. Even for patients who don’t fall into that category, there
          prevention                                         are a host of other options for wrinkle reduction, skin tightening, lift-
                                                             ing and brightening as well as other devices and treatment regimens.
                                                             Short of a surgical procedure, what can be done for the aging face?
                                                               The best method is prevention. There are three main components
                                                             that age our skin: ultraviolet (UV) radiation, pollutants/cigarette smok-
          By Thushan DeSilva, MD
                                                             ing and time. UV radiation (obtained by sun and/or tanning beds) is
                                                             best treated with avoidance, protective covering and sunscreen. Re-
                                                             member the shadow rule; if your shadow is shorter than you, it’s best

         22  San Antonio Medicine   •  July  2019
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