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        consecutive but was in fact selective) and was
        completely retracted by the Lancet in February
        2010. Furthermore, Wakefield's motive was ques-
        tioned because of possible financial gain working
        for lawyers representing parents pursuing law-
        suits against the pharmaceutical companies mak-
        ing vaccines. Yet there still exists a belief that
        there is a link between vaccines and autism.
          New data published in 2018 points to a disrup-
        tion of heavy metal metabolism that occurs in
        utero in autistic children. They accomplished this
        by  using  tooth-matrix  biomarkers  to  measure
        temporal profiles from the second trimester up
        to  approximately  one  year  postnatally.  Paul
        Curtin, et al published findings of a disruption
        of the fetal and postnatal zinc-copper rhythmic
        metabolism in people with autism spectrum dis-
        order.  While  metals  have  been  implicated  in
        autism for many years, these authors found ab-
        normal metal rhythmicity rather than concentra-
        tion  was  associated  with  autism  in  a  highly
        predictive manner.
          Presently, there are no federal vaccination laws,    has its own recommendations for who should and shouldn't receive
        but all 50 states have laws requiring children attending public school  it. (See reference link for more details:
        to be vaccinated against DTaP, polio (IPV), measles, mumps and  cines/vpd/should-not-vacc.html.)
        rubella (commonly in an MMR vaccine), and varicella (chickenpox).  Now to answer my patients’ question, if a patient is on biologics
        All 50 states allow for exemptions: 47 allow religious exemptions,  such as Enbrel, Humira or others, live vaccines are contraindicated.
        and 17 states allow philosophical exemptions. A review of disease  If a patient is on methotrexate they should hold it for two weeks
        emergence and vaccination refusal was published in JAMA March  after receiving the flu vaccine in order to get a better immunological
        2016. In 2000, measles was declared eradicated from the United  response. The latter recommendation concerning methotrexate is
        States, but by 2014, the CDC reported 23 measles outbreaks (total  based on newer information published in 2018.
        668 cases) since that time. This included the outbreak that originated  As research like that of Curtin, et al continues to peel away the
        in Disneyland in Anaheim, CA (111 cases, half of which were un-  conundrum surrounding the etiology of autism, which concerns
        vaccinated). Reviewing CDC data on the epidemic curve of measles,  many of the anti-vaxxers, these issues will be better addressed. We,
        outbreaks correlate with the resurgence of exemptions to vaccina-  as healthcare providers should advocate for our patients by under-
        tions among children. Moreover, states with less barriers to exemp-  standing that our role is to provide the best possible advice while
        tions have higher incidence rates of pertussis, which is endemic to  remembering it is ultimately the patients’ choice and we should also
        the United States. Of interest is a similar story that was reported in  take their concerns into consideration. So, to those who refuse vac-
        Italy where the Italian Parliament dropped mandatory vaccinations.  cinations for themselves and their families, they must be properly
        As a result, 5,000 cases of measles were reported in 2017, a six-fold  informed of the increased risk of contracting and spreading a pre-
        increase from previous years. It becomes clear that vaccinations help  ventable disease. Although we learn quickly in our training how each
        suppress the emergence of preventable diseases. So, returning back  patient is unique, our responsibilities lie in the education of our pa-
        to any patients' question, "Is it safe for me to get this vaccination?"  tients and staying up-to-date on current findings and associations
          A good rule of thumb on who should avoid a vaccine would be  that may impact their or their loved one’s health.
        if he or she is moderately or severely ill or has a history of a previ-
        ous allergic reaction to the vaccine. However, the CDC has clear  Rodolfo Molina, MD, is vice president of  the Bexar County Medical
        regulations on who should avoid vaccinations and each vaccination  Society.

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