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          workforce because of TMA’s several years of advocacy. The  Resources:
          state’s initial investment of $300 million in the permanent fund  1. Amy Lynn Sorrel, Texas Creates a Permanent Fund to Sustain
          came from excess money at the Texas Medical Liability Insurance  Graduate  Medical  Education,  Texas  Medicine,  August
          Underwriting Association. It is important to find additional fund-  2016;112(8):41-45.
          ing sources in order to grow the fund to an amount sufficient for  2. AMA report – Options for unmatched Medical Students – In-
          supporting the growth of GME at the level needed to keep up  formational Report 2016
          with medical school enrollments.                       3. Results and Data 2018 – NRMP Main Residency Match
                                                                 4. P. Ranasinge, MD, International Medical Graduates in the US
            In addition, the state provided about $50 million for 2018 and  Physician Workforce, The journal of  the American Osteopathic
          2019, including monies from the state’s permanent GME fund,  Association, April 2015, Vol.115, Number
          to support recently created residency positions.  Since 2014, a
          total of 237 new GME positions have been created and main-  Acknowledgements:
          tained with state funding.  An additional $30 million in state fund-
                                                                 Mrs. Marcia Collins, Director of Medical Education at Texas
          ing is needed per year to maintain these positions in 2020-21.
                                                               Medical Association

        5.  There should be renewed support for GME positions in Texas
                                                                         Dr. Jayesh B. Shah is a past president of  the Bexar County
          through the Medicaid program.
                                                                        Medical Society and current member of  the TMA Board of
            With frozen federal Medicare funding, this state support is critical  Trustees.
          for an increase in residency spots and to achieve and maintain
          the state goal of 1.1:1.

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