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                                                                                         THE EDITOR

                         To the Editor,
                           I wish to support the article by Dr. Alexan-  respond by saying it is a good idea to support the officeholders in
                         der Kenton entitled “A Call to Arms” in the  your district. However, there are key players at both the state and
                         January edition of San Antonio Medicine. After  national level. There are committee chairs and particular voices that
                         holding leadership positions in both TEX-  have a great deal of influence. These individuals may need support
                         PAC as well as AMPAC, I would often hear  in elections and they may not live in your district. You may not know
        two frequent reasons for physicians not participating.  who they are unless you actively keep up with legislative action. A
          The first reason was the reluctance to feel like they were buying  PAC has the ability to identify these individuals all over the state
        votes by supporting a candidate. I would say in response that the  and country and make sure they have adequate support when run-
        very last thing I wanted was a legislator whose vote could be bought.  ning for reelection.
        We could never keep up with the finances available to the insurance  Thirdly, the physician community has to be strong politically. This
        industry or to the trial bar. Our goal was always to elect people who  is how we achieved TORT reform in Texas. This is how we estab-
        philosophically had the same viewpoints held by the Texas Medical  lished prompt payment legislation regarding insurance companies.
        Association and the American Medical Association. This is going  Hopefully this will be how we maintain a tradition of pluralism with
        to become increasingly important as we hear an increasing number  regards to healthcare financing. If we fail to accept this political
        of people call for a single-payer system in the United States. We  challenge to remain active, we will have no one to blame but our-
        have to be able to stand strong and support the concept of plural-  selves if healthcare goes in a direction we do not support.
        ism with regards to healthcare.
          The second reason for lack of participation was the feeling that  Sincerely,
        physicians would support congressmen and state officials in their  SHELDON GROSS, MD
        district. They felt no need to get involved in other races. I would  Past President, Bexar County Medical Society

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