Page 8 - Bexar County Medical Society Purchasing Directory
P. 8


        The Bad, The Ugly and

        The Good   By Adam Ratner, MD, 2019 BCMS President

        The Bad                                                The Good
          I’m writing this more than a month before you will read this. I  Organized medicine in Texas has met and defeated similar bills
        hope by the time your copy of San Antonio Medicine lands on your  in the past. Sb 1264 will be met by the full force of the TMA and
        desk in April, we’ll have some good news about Senate bill 1264,  bCMS advocacy teams in an effort to defeat it, as well.
        the so-called “surprise billing” bill. Many of us who pay attention  Physicians are brilliant and hard-working and have the intellectual
        to the happenings in Austin were expecting something like this to  firepower to work around challenges and threats to our patients and
        emerge. Here is a key excerpt from the bill regarding physicians who  our practices. Perhaps it’s time to think seriously about changing
        provide emergency services or are facility-based as it is published  your relationships with third-party payors and deal one-on-one fi-
        on March 2, 2019:                                      nancially with your patients, if you can in your specialty.
          A non-network physician or provider may not bill a patient described by
          this section in, and the patient has no financial responsibility for, an  Allying with the Alliance
          amount greater than the patient's responsibility under the patient's health  We physicians in the bCMS are not alone. We have our bCMS
          care plan, including an applicable copayment, coinsurance, or deductible.  Alliance.
                                                                 because of the joint vision and leadership of the immediate past
        The Ugly                                               presidents of the bCMS and the bCMS Alliance last year, Sheldon

          Those of us who have had the “privilege” of negotiating physi-  Gross and Jenny Shepherd, Kelly King, the current bCMS Alliance
        cian services contracts with third party payors will immediately grasp  president, and our bCMS and Alliance Executive Committees, all
        that should Sb 1264 and a proposed companion house bill become  of us are beginning to see the benefits.
        law, it will eliminate virtually any remaining incentive for any payor  Within a couple of days following the recent bCMS Executive
        to negotiate contracts fairly with a physician who is facility-based  Committee’s approval of developing a physician mental health/sui-
        and/or provides emergency services.                    cide prevention program (modeled after Travis County Medical So-
          As it has been for years, the root of this problem is the lack of  ciety’s program), three Alliance leaders volunteered to work on the
        motivation of many third-party payors to work with willing and co-  program.  during  this  same  time  period,  three  Alliance  leaders
        operative physicians to create and maintain adequate networks to  stepped up to help advise our bCMS library Philanthropy board
        serve our patients. Whether you practice solo or in a small, medium  headed by dr. Gerry Ortega. Finally, two Alliance leaders signed up
        or large multispecialty private, corporate or academic group, almost  to participate in the 2019-2020 second annual Physician leadership
        all physicians who provide emergency or facility-based care will be  development Program.
        adversely affected.                                      For the majority of bCMS members who have not had the priv-
          There is another ugly side. There are a few doctors whose prac-  ilege of working with the Alliance or participating in their social
        tices are sending patients outrageous bills. I’m not sure whether  and philanthropic events, you and your spouse are missing out. The
        all of the practices that send these bills realistically expect to be  events are fun! The Alliance leaders and active members are pas-
        paid these huge sums, but on occasion some patients have been  sionate individuals who are making a major difference in the lives
        sent to collection agencies for inadequate payment. Proponents  of those they touch, within the Alliance and bCMS as well as the
        of Sb 1264 are using these outlier instances to attack the rest of  greater community.
        us. Enough said.                                         The Alliance leadership has come forward to work with the

         8  San Antonio Medicine   •  April  2019
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