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                         Why patients worry about


                      and patient-generated data

                                                     By Andis Robeznieks

          Patient-generated health data (PGHd), from wearables and other  challenges and security concerns that PGHd add to the digital
        remote devices, represents an exciting opportunity to more deeply  health picture.
        engage patients and families in care and offer robust data streams  Security and privacy protections applied to PGHd are “uneven
        of objective information to better guide treatment plans. Yet, federal  and do not establish a consistent legal and regulatory framework,”
        health IT experts note, one big factor that stands in the way of ad-  according to the ONC report, “Conceptualizing a data Infrastruc-
        vancement on this front are fears about the cybersecurity of this  ture for the Capture, Use, and Sharing of Patient-Generated Health
        sensitive information.                                 data in Care delivery and Research through 2024.”
          The AMA is committed to making technology an asset in the de-  like all data, PGHd “may be at risk for security breaches that
        livery of health care, not a burden. Efforts in this area include cre-  could affect the integrity of the data and expose the data to access
        ation of the digital Health Implementation Playbook to speed the  for malicious purposes because they are not subject to the same se-
        adoption and scaling of innovative solutions.          curity regulatory framework as HIPAA-regulated entities. Concerns
          The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC)  include insecure points of data collection and insecure data move-
        has released a white paper that outlined some of the opportunities,  ment that potentially expose the device or the clinician’s information

         20  San Antonio Medicine   •  April  2019
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