Page 18 - Bexar County Medical Society Purchasing Directory
P. 18


         continued from page 17

                                                                                  cause  of  their  years  spent  staring  at
                                                                                  screens? do we, as a society, have a patho-
                                                                                  logical problem with the way we consume
                                                                                  social media and other technologies?
                                                                                    Many American families try desperately
                                                                                  to limit their children’s screen time in an
                                                                                  effort to prevent proposed negative effects
                                                                                  to little avail. Perhaps modern technology
                                                                                  has already woven itself into our society to
                                                                                  an extent that makes removing it impossi-
                                                                                  ble. Try as we may, we continue to navigate
                                                                                  closer and closer to our screens. To my
                                                                                  knowledge, no one has a solution to this
                                                                                  perceived  problem.  If  there  really  is  a
                                                                                  problem with this technology wave that we
          Fortnite Gameplay: This is a screenshot taken just before my brother shot
          down this unsuspecting enemy (gliding away via umbrella) with Fortnite’s  are living in, learning more about how we
          Heavy Snipe Rifle. It’s moments like these that Fortnite players live for.
                                                                                  interact with these advances may allow us
          In our discussion, my brother and I ultimately come to the con-  to tailor our consumption to avoid the consequences of this new
        clusion that what seems to be a true pathological addiction, may be  kind of addiction. While I am not advocating for foil hats and Nokia
        something more nuanced. At the conclusion of our talk, I ask him  flip phones, I am interested in learning more about these things with
        directly if he thinks he has an actual addiction to Fortnite:  you all.
                                                                 If  you  find  yourself  in
          “I think I have an addiction. I’m not so sure if  it’s a problem all of  the time…  need  of  a  break  from  the
        Honestly, you have to weigh the positive and negatives. For me personally, I think  stress of writing notes, com-
        the positives outweigh the negatives… Instead of  going out and doing a bunch of  plying  with  federal  regula-
        bad stuff, or stuff  that’s bad for you like alcohol and drugs, I stay at home and  tions,  and  dealing  with
        play Fortnite with my friends. I live a good life, I just play a lot of  Fortnite.”  insurance companies anytime
                                                               soon you can download Fort-
          He makes an interesting suggestion there. Could it be that playing  nite to go on a free island va-
        video games all of the time might actually be a good thing? Schmitt  cation   complete   with
        and livingston, in their study of video game addiction and college  automatic rifles and awesome
        performance among males, reported that male first year college stu-  field surgeon costumes:
        dents who were most addicted to video games had lower numbers  Check  out  my  discussion
        of drug and alcohol violations when compared to the other students  on IGd and Fortnite on the
        in the study. 13  However, these same students were more likely to  Apple  Podcast  App  or
        have lower first year Grade Point Averages (GPA), after controlling  Soundcloud by searching “In-
        for high school GPA, when compared to the other students in the  vestigative Inquiries”, or by
        study. As my brother was arguing, perhaps there is a more com-  searching “Tristan C Fielder”.
        plicated arrangement of positive and negative effects associated  Jump  to  13:50  to  catch  the
        with playing games like Fortnite.                      best part, where we hear from
          Whether you think video games present a public health crisis or  the expert (my brother). For
        a harmless good time, this is something that the vast majority of us  those that crave efficiency, the
        and our patients interact with daily. does my brother’s story remind  Apple  Podcast  App  allows
        you of your children? do you see negative effects of gaming in your  you to play podcasts at up to
        patients or their families? Will our children suffer in the future be-  2X speed.

         18  San Antonio Medicine   •  April  2019
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