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              AID PROGRAM

              Helps Indigent Youth

              Seeking Medical Care

              By Darren Donahue, JD

                  has been well established that a child’s health depends  poverty and that can be a factor in poor health. Currently, MLAF ac-
         It       on more than can be addressed by their pediatrician  cepts referrals from the Baylor College of Medicine Department of
                  alone. According to the American Academy of Pedi-
                                                               Pediatrics at The Children’s Hospital of San Antonio and the Depart-
                  atrics, poverty is a strong risk factor for poor health and  ment of Pediatrics at UT Health San Antonio.
        has been linked to higher rates of asthma, obesity, poor language de-  One of MLAF’s most active areas of advocacy is in helping pe-
        velopment, increased infant mortality, and increased risk of injuries.  diatric patients obtain coverage and assistance from their public ben-
        And while pediatricians frequently identify the social and environ-  efits as guaranteed by law. For children, under the Federal Medicaid
        mental problems that harm their patients, they often lack the time,  statute, Medicaid is required to provide “necessary healthcare, di-
        training, or professional license to adequately address these issues.  agnostic services, and other measures…to correct or ameliorate de-
          In an alcove off the waiting room for the Children’s Hospital of  fects and physical and mental illnesses and conditions.” 42. U.S.C. §
        San Antonio’s primary care pediatric clinic lies a small team of legal  1396d(r)(5). However, in many cases, families find themselves being
        professionals working diligently to ameliorate some of these social  denied Medicaid coverage for exactly the test or procedure ordered
        determinants.  Titled  Medical-Legal  Assistance  for  Families  by their pediatrician. Following such a denial, the patient has a right
        (“MLAF”), this team makes up Texas RioGrande Legal Aid’s com-  to a fair hearing to determine whether the denial was proper. And
        ponent of San Antonio’s Medical-Legal Partnership. Formed in 2008,  in these hearings, patients and their families can greatly benefit from
        Texas’ first medical-legal partnership has created a referral pipeline  the assistance of a lawyer.
        for indigent families in San Antonio to obtain legal services for their  In one recent example, MLAF was instrumental in obtaining
        children. In so doing, MLAF addresses the challenges – education,  Medicaid coverage for diagnostic services for a girl born with intel-
        housing, guardianship, and accessing public benefits – that accompany  lectual disability, short stature, dysmorphic facial features, and a

         24  San Antonio Medicine   •  June  2018
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