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        Child Health Coalition Forming in

        Bexar County to Optimize Health

        and Reduce Toxic Stress

        By Anais Biera Miracle

                  dverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have long been  The first priority of the consortium will be identifying community
         A        understood to markedly increase the risk of chronic dis-  partners who would be instrumental in the development and imple-
                  eases  such  as  myocardial  infarction  and  behavioral
                                                               mentation of the trauma consortium. The second priority will be
                  health problems such as substance use disorders and sui-  building community awareness on the importance of Trauma-In-
        cide independent of and often beyond other traditional medical risk  formed Care by moving from trauma awareness to trauma active.
        factors. Persons with an ACE score of 6 or higher have a life ex-  The third priority is to provide a robust training calendar and op-
        pectancy that is 20 years less than their low ACE counterparts.   portunities centered on best practices for Trauma-Informed Care
          The Children’s Shelter’s inaugural South Texas Trauma-Informed  across a diverse array of community partners which would include
        Care Conference was held on May 10th and 11th to build a multi-  but would not be limited to education, healthcare, law enforcement,
        disciplinary network of Trauma-Informed Care in South Texas. Fea-  and health and human service organizations. The final priority is the
        turing internationally-renowned trauma expert Dr. Bruce Perry and  development of sound legislative priorities to inform policymakers
        other distinguished trauma experts, the conference provided an op-  on the nature of Trauma-Informed Care and to implement effective
        portunity for the establishment of the South Texas Trauma-In-  advocacy initiatives. Advocacy work will include publication of white
        formed Care Consortium.                                papers  to  explain  and  document  the  work  of  the  South  Texas
          The Children’s Shelter in partnership with VOICES for Children  Trauma-Informed Care Consortium.
        hosted the initial framework meeting on Friday, May 11, to develop
        the South Texas Trauma-Informed Care Consortium.  Participants  Interested parties who would like to connect and actively partici-
        were asked to identify a common working definition of trauma-in-  pate in the consortium please contact Anais Biera Miracle, Chief
        formed care, to answer four priorities in addressing it, and to identify  Public  Relations  Officer  at  The  Children’s  Shelter  at
        which parties need to participate to ensure a successful coalition. or 210-212-2598.

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