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                                           Westover Hills and the Baptist  any abnormalities are in the joint. Then they can aid in decision
                                           Breast Center is located in     making whether the patient needs surgery, or just medication and
                                           Stone Oak, Westover Hills       therapy. Now special software on the MRI and CT scanner can help
                                           and Downtown.                   reduce metal artifacts to aid study of the surrounding soft tissues.
                                                                           Fine detailed evaluation of the brain, spine, abdomen and pelvis
                                              Dr. Patel says that the de-  can also be performed.
                                           mand for high-quality imaging
                                           is growing and there is an in-    The imaging process is also painless and does not require any spe-
                                           creasing need for more sites    cial preparation such as special diets or anesthesia. It is relatively
dedicated to different sub-specializations. These high-tech scanning       risk free, Patel says.
and imaging machines are helping to revolutionize medicine today,
Patel says. With more information to look at and study, doctors              The imaging technology has been getting better and better over
today can be more accurate and precise in their diagnosis. When the        the last 30 years and it is now to a point where it has become a very
doctor can see exactly where a tear has occurred before cutting a          powerful tool in the hands of medical professionals, Patel says. It is
patient open, then the subsequent surgery to make repairs can be           having an impact in all fields of medicine as well. For instance, in
less invasive and recovery time is quicker.                                treating cancer patients it allows doctors to pinpoint precisely where
  “We can perform better scans today and get more information              to deliver chemotherapy to have the most potent effect on a tumor
than ever before,” Patel says. “The Orthopedic and Neurologic Im-          without effecting the rest of the body.
aging Institute will take us to a different level.”
  If a patient comes in with a shoulder problem, for example, the            “This technology has given us incredible power to be able to di-
radiologist can inject a dye that can help them see by contrast where      agnose a patient and prescribe treatment without having to open
                                                                           them up,” Patel says. “It is a level of tailoring that was unheard of
                                                                           just a few years ago.”

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