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committee. The situation changed dramatically and we were with their valuable suggestions so also Dr. Carmen Garza. I believe

flooded with articles to the extent we on more than one occasion the Magazine is poised to recognize those who have rendered

had to print two issues with the same theme and some to spare that Yeomen services to this effort over the years. For the first time the

we published in subsequent issues. The issues on Generation was ‘San Antonio Medicine Literary Award’ will be given in the name

one such. Another major addition was brought by Dr. Adam Ratner. of Mrs. Merty and Dr. Dale Wood’. We thank Dr. Dale Wood for

He has been a wonderful liaison with UT Medical School and now sponsoring this award.

with UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine, he has involved the      In 2015, I was asked to be chair. At the same time disaster struck

medical students. It started with a project that senior medical stu- my family in the form of an illness that affected my husband and

dents at UTH had started called                                                                        shook the earth beneath me. I sat

60-50 where the 3rd year students                                                                      in front of the computer to send

engage in a writing session. Give me a cup of coffee, an issue of SAN ANTONIO an email to the committee about

Amazing writing from the heart, MEDICINE and a little time. If I could thus stretch my my inability to continue a task I

it was published in SAM. We have      tired legs in the doctor’s lounge. I should deem myself happier  so much looked forward to doing
student representation on the         than having won the Pulitzer Prize.                              and a service to the society I cher-
committee. Another transforma-                                                                         ished. It was as though a lifeline
tional suggestion by Dr. Ratner                                               — Rajam Ramamurthy       – Writing, was being severed.

was to create a permanent posi-                                                                        Then I remembered something I

tion for Medical students on the publications committee. The soci- did when I spoke to parents of very tiny premature infants who had

ety could be the common ground for both medical schools. Thanks to stay in the NICU for several months. Mothers would sit by the

to Dr. Ratner for he has moved the bar forward by leaps. As is the baby for hours, day and night, just looking, for sometimes they

case with many committees it takes a person to swing the needle could not even hold them. I would say to them; “this weekend I

and Student participants like Sara Noble and Darren Donahue have want you to go away, go see a movie, eat in your favorite restaurant,

pushed it beyond my imagination.                                  go visit family or a friend” we will keep you posted. I felt care giver

The committee reviews every article that is to be published. When wellness and strength came from being away, refreshing and coming

I read the writing of physicians, the passion for writing is apparent, back with renewed energy to invest. I decided to continue my en-

the craft of writing lacked. Having a writing workshop for physi- gagement with writing. The committee has been my family for nur-

cians was a bee in my bonnet for                                                                       turing for the past two years.

some time. We selected Gemini                                                                          Writing in almost virtual time has

Ink a literary organization in San      Give me a flagon of red wine, a book of verses, a loaf of      been healing. I wish those of you
Antonio to do this. It was made       bread, and a little idleness. If with such store I might sit by  who long to write to just write.
possible through generous spon-       thy dear side in some lonely place, I should deem myself hap-    Words have the power of healing.
sorship by DR. Dale Wood and          pier than a king in his kingdom.                                 By providing a medium for pour-
Merty Wood and Louise                                                                                  ing your words San Antonio

Douchett and wonderful support                                    — Omar Khayyam Medicine has been a wondrous

from BCMS. Twenty three physi-                                                                         receptacle. For sharing your joy,

cian’s participated. I know at least                                                                   frustration and knowledge SAM

one physician who tells me he writes for at least an hour every has been a reliable friend. The welcome presence of Leah Jacobson,

morning. I hope the writing workshop is offered by BCMS for 2017 President of BCMS at our meetings, thoughtful support and

physicians often. The magazine has soared to a different level, the guidance of Steve Fitzer, BCMS Executive Director and the Steady

themes are refreshing. The one in January will be on the aftermath thoughtful navigating of the committees work by Mike Thomas,

of disaster and the forgotten communities that take decades to re- Director publications have all made the past two years a gift for me.

cover. A tercentennial issue is planned, and articles about evolution Now I say goodbye as chair and look forward to many more years

of different specialties’ and pioneers in the field is welcome. The of writing.

committee is enriched by the presence of non- physician members.

Mr. Alan Preston and Mr. David Schulz, both experienced in Jour-                 Rajam Ramamurthy. MD, Professor Emeritus, Department

nalism have weighed in on themes selected for SAM with their ex-                 of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology. UTH 2016-2017,

pertise and contributed greatly. Members of the committee Dr.                    Chair, Editorial Committee. BCMS, 2004 President of

Kristi Kosub and Dr. Jaime Pankowsky have been a vocal presence                  BCMS.

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