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               Diabetes Self-Management


           A Healthy Prescribing Habit to Treat Diabetes

                                            By Kathy Ann LaCivita, MD, FACE, FACP

          Statistics chronicling the growth and seriousness of diabetes in  Every person with diabetes needs individualized education and
        the San Antonio area are shocking. We now see patients as young  support to carry out daily diabetes self-management and care to im-
        as five years old with Type 2 diabetes, which is linked to diet and  prove quality of life. Yet, less than 60 percent of people with dia-
        obesity. These young patients are dependent on their parents to help  betes receive formal diabetes education. Furthermore, there is an
        them avoid the health complications diabetes causes over time, but  average of nine years between the time a person is diagnosed with
        typically, the parents are already at risk for Type 2 diabetes or have  diabetes and enrollment in a DSME program – time during which
        been diagnosed themselves. Diabetes can have an emotional and  the body’s insulin resistance affects extremities and vital organs.
        physiological impact on the entire family.               As an endocrinologist at the Texas Diabetes Institute, I see many
          Prescribing medication is an effective first-line treatment to con-  patients with complications that could have been delayed or pre-
        trol blood sugar, but it’s not sufficient on its own, as demonstrated  vented through DSME. As chair of the Texas Diabetes Council, I
        by the growing number of families with intergenerational cases of  often talk with physicians who are not aware of how to take advan-
        diabetes. As physicians, we can and should do more to help patients  tage of DSME to help their patients. Here are some facts about
        manage their diabetes and prevent new cases from occurring. Un-  DSME that can help you empower patients to help themselves.
        fortunately, it can be challenging for physicians to change  familiar
        practices, just as it can be difficult for patients to adopt healthy  DSME is supported by major health organizations.
        habits to improve their health.                          The American Diabetes Association (ADA) collaborated with the
          “If diabetes education were a pill, would you prescribe it?” That  American Association of Diabetes Educators, Academy of Nutri-
        was the question posed at last year’s American Diabetes Association  tion and Dietetics, and National Diabetes Education Program to
        (ADA) Scientific Sessions by Margaret A. Powers, Ph.D., RD, CDE,  develop a national joint position statement that supports DSME.
        President, Health Care and Education, ADA.             The American Medical Association and U.S. Centers for Disease
          In her address, Dr. Powers cited studies comparing diabetes ed-  Control and Prevention also support education to prevent diabetes
        ucation and the diabetes pill metformin. She noted that diabetes ed-  in people at risk for the disease.
        ucation is as effective as metformin and has fewer side effects and  The Texas Diabetes Council, in conjunction with the Texas De-
        greater psychosocial benefits. To read the article, visit http://care.di-  partment of State Health Services Diabetes Prevention and Control                 Program developed a helpful toolkit based on the national stan-
                                                               dards. The toolkit is available online at and offers free
        Additional research shows that people who receive      provider and patient education materials. There is also a new Dia-
        DSME are more likely to:                               betes resource guide that was developed by a San Antonio collabo-
        • Use primary care and preventive services.            rative to link services available in town and give information to
        • Take medications as prescribed.                      people with diabetes and the providers who care for them, available
        • Control their blood glucose, blood pressure, and     at
          cholesterol levels.                                    Both of these resources offer referral forms and links to licensed
        • Have lower health costs over time.                   diabetes educators or education programs in the area. Getting to
        • Experience reduced stress related to diabetes.       know licensed diabetes educators is an important first step in mak-

         24  San Antonio Medicine   •  February 2018
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