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                                     GIVE NOW


                               NATURAL DISASTERS

                                                        By AMA Wire

          A        new fund that has already provided $75,000 in natu-  The organizations that have received the AMAF
                                                               donations are:
                   ral-disaster relief for physician practices is accepting
                                                                  •    Texas Medical Association Foundation, to benefit the TMA
                   donations to help support that effort.
                     The AMA Foundation (AMAF) created the Physi-   Disaster Relief Program for practices damaged by Hurricane
        cian Disaster Recovery Fund, which has donated $25,000 each to  Harvey.
        three  organized  medicine  foundations  collecting  funds  to  help  •   Florida Medical Association’s Foundation for Healthy Florid-
        physician  practices  recover  from  Hurricanes  Harvey,  Irma  and  ians Medical Disaster Fund for practices damaged by Hurri-
        Maria. Intended for physicians in federally designated disaster areas,  cane Irma.
        the money is earmarked specifically for practice essentials such as  •   Indiana Association of Family Physicians Foundation, which
        replacing equipment, restoring patient records and meeting other  is helping physicians in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane
        needs related to patient care.                              Maria.
          “It is essential for doctors to quickly rebuild their medical prac-  In addition, the AMA has donated $150,000 each to those physi-
        tices to continue serving their communities, and we are thankful for  cian relief efforts in Texas and Florida.
        the generous donors who are enabling physicians to get back to the  The AMAF has established a donations webpage where contri-
        vital work of caring for their patients,” said AMAF Board President,  butions can be designated for specific locations or where the need
        Joshua M. Cohen, MD. The AMAF is the philanthropic arm of the  is greatest. The site is also collecting contributions for the California
        AMA, and its other activities include grants to community health  Medical Association Foundation to aid practices damaged by wild-
        programs, medical school scholarships and leadership training for  fires in that state.
        medical students.

         20  San Antonio Medicine   •  February 2018
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