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        the treatment of diabetes exists and has well-known, affordable  by asking subjects to walk as fast as they can for 10m and taking
        medications in the market. Could this possibly also be the solu-  the fastest speed of 3 trials. low physical activity is measured by
        tion for frailty?                                      the “Minnesota leisure Questionnaire” (MlQ) which calculates
          The diabetes meds in the market today have multifactorial ef-  the calories burned through different physical activities conducted
        fects within the body with mechanisms that are not 100% under-  in one year and the calories are compared to a nationally studied
        stood by the medical community. but the most important known  database. Weight loss is assessed if there was a 10lb or more un-
        effect is the increase in glucose uptake within the cells through in-  intentional weight loss or loss of >5 percent body weight in the
        sulin. This “insulin sensitizing effect” is mediated via a highly  span of one year and finally exhaustion is recorded via self-re-
        complex AMPK signaling pathway which has hundreds of cascade  ported questionnaires. Within these parameters it’s possible to
        effects within the body. One of the most important and relevant  quantify the extent of “frailty” progression throughout the study
        cascade effects is the overall decrease in inflammatory markers  using a score of 0-5. Within the course of two years I will help
        such as CRP, Il-6, and TNF-a. These are the key inflammatory  assess patients and see whether diabetes medications may revolu-
        markers that exacerbate frailty.                       tionize the treatment for frailty.
          So perhaps there can be a way to treat patients that are afflicted  being involved in the MSTAR (Medical Student Training in
        with frailty. This hypothesis is built from two premises. One, an  Aging Research) program as a first- and second-year medical stu-
        increase in inflammatory markers can cause or exacerbate frailty.  dent equipped me with the tools to be involved with the diabetic
        Two, diabetes medications work by decreasing inflammation via  patient population. My favorite aspect of this research opportunity
        AMPK signaling pathway and insulin sensitization. So, the re-  is that I have the opportunity to work in the veterans hospital and
        search question is formulated: can diabetes medications be used  interact with the geriatric patients that are within the vA system.
        to ameliorate and even treat frailty?                  To learn more information about the MSTAR program or vA
          This  was  the  research  question  that  I  worked  with  in  the  health system visit:
        MSTAR (Medical Student Training in Aging Research) program
        as a first- and second-year medical student with dr. Sara Espinoza.
          dr. Espinoza is one of the pioneers for frailty and diabetes re-
        search here at UT Heath San Antonio School of Medicine. She  Patricia S. Machado, is a medical student at University of  Texas Health
        works with the vA hospital and is currently conducting a double-  San Antonio, Long School of  Medicine and MSTAR program participant.
        blinded randomized controlled trial involving
        200 participants within a two-year period to
        test whether diabetes can be used as a phar-
        macological treatment for frailty. The inclusion
        criteria are patients over the age 65 that are af-
        flicted with pre-diabetes with OGTT between
        140-199  mg/dl  that  also  show  signs  of
        “frailty.” The term frailty that is used by her
        team is described by 5 categories that include
        weakness, slowness, low physical activity, ex-
        haustion, and weight loss (Fried et al. 2001).
        Weakness is assessed via grip strength, where
        subjects  squeeze  into  a  device  called  a  dy-
        namometer that measures force (N) of  the
        dominant hand and the highest number of
        two trials is recorded. Slowness is calculated

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