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        works, and (full or partial) capitation . These tools may change  enough that the doctor saw the patient, they also need to make
        how physicians practice medicine for all of their patients; not just  sure that the prescribed treatment is heading in the right directions
        those in the managed care plan.                        regarding outcomes.
          As the financial incentives change, so do the behaviors of the
                                                                   Star Ratings are driving improvements
        providers. Paying physicians for improved outcomes as opposed
                                                                     in Medicare quality. The Star Rating
        to episodic care aligns the financial incentive with the desired im-
                                                                    measures span five broad categories:
        proved  outcome.  Center  for  Medicare  and  Medicaid  Services
        (CMS) is very interested in physicians that understand how to per-          OUTCOMES
        form population health management functions. CMS understands         INTERMEdIATE OUTCOMES
        that physicians that understand the benefit of population health       PATIENT EXPERIENCE
        management should be paid for their patients’ improved health-                ACCESS
        care outcomes.                                                                PROCESS
          Population health management involves many aspects of man-
        aging a patient. The goal is to assure that for a given disease; the  Not every domain is weighted equally, however. For 2017 Star
        patient is contacted, treated, followed-up, and the outcome is im-  Ratings, outcomes and intermediate outcomes continue to be
        proved. There have been some early elementary attempts of trying  weighted three times as much as process measures, and patient ex-
        to get physicians to adopt components of population health man-  perience and access measures are weighted 1.5 times as much as
        agement. The Healthcare Effectiveness data and Information  process measures. CMS assigns a weight of 1 to all new measures.
        (HEdIS) is one such attempt.                           Of the 364 health plan contracts that participate in Medicare Ad-
          HEdIS is a tool used by more than 90 percent of America's  vantage, there were only 81 with a STAR rating of 4.5 or higher.
        health plans to measure performance on important dimensions  Physician’s manage one patient at a time. Throughout a year, if
        of care and service. Many health plans use the HEdIS measure-  we added up all the patients seen by a primary care physician, the
        ments to highlight their scores to prospective employers. HEdIS  entirety of that population may have some common characteris-
        measures  address  a  broad  range  of   important  health  issues.  tics that may need to be tracked and managed. And to the extent
        Among them are the following:                          a primary care physician averaged 20 patients visits a day for 210
        •   Asthma Medication Use                              days out of the year, they would encounter approximately 4,100
        •   Persistence of beta-blocker Treatment after a Heart Attack   patient visits. Some of the visits are repeat follow-up visits and
        •   Controlling High blood Pressure                    probably account for over 50 percent of the patient “population.”
        •   Comprehensive diabetes Care                        Thus, a primary care physician may have a panel of patients for a
        •   breast Cancer Screening                            year of approximately 2,500 to 3,000 patients.
        •   Antidepressant Medication Management                 Of that “population” of patients, there are some characteristics
        •   Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Status       of patients that have similar disease classifications. Take type 2 di-
        •   Childhood and Adult Weight/bMI Assessment          abetes for example; The prevalence rate of type 2 is approximately
                                                               9.3 percent (i.e., 29 million people) according to the CdC. How-
          For the Medicare Advantage population, CMS has used another  ever, over 86 million have “pre-diabetes.”  And of the 29 million
        tracking program called STAR. One of the differences between  people who have type 2, approximately 8.1 million people don’t
        HEdIS and STAR is that HEdIS is responsible for making sure  know they have it and are undiagnosed!
        that providers at least perform the activities of measurement as  This is a good example where population health management
        required by HEdIS and whereas STAR requires both the per-  can play an important role for both the patient and the doctor.
        formance of the measurement activity with the additional require-  Imagine if a physician’s practice ran a report that looked at many
        ment of demonstrating improved outcomes. Thus, it is not good  of the risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Some of the risk factors
                                                                                                   (continued on page 28)
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