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CTs, and PET scans. Physicians now must inform patients in writing       Accountable Care Organizations: Fairness
at the time of the referral that they may obtain services elsewhere        The accountable care organization (ACO) is a new concept in the
and provide a list of others who provide such services in the area.
Physicians already are required to seek preauthorization for most        PPACA. It asks for physicians to invest in a new model of health
imaging services. They should not also be required to compile and        care delivery that increases efficiencies and delivers the right care at
maintain a list of other imaging providers. If the federal govern-       the right time. However, the incentives in the program are left to
ment mandates a list, the government should provide it. More paper,      the whim of federal administrators. A participating ACO can’t chal-
more processes, but where is the health care?                            lenge many government decisions about the performance of an
                                                                         ACO, including:
  TMA Ask: Revisit the imaging referral provision and remove the         1. Whether the ACO is eligible to share in any savings it creates,
arduous paperwork requirement, so physicians can spend more time         2. The amount of shared savings to be paid to the ACO,
taking care of patients versus pushing paper.                            3. Which patients the government assigns to the ACO,
                                                                         4. What measurements the government plans to use to determine
Antidiscrimination Provisions for Health Plans
  The PPACA includes a provision stating health plans may not               the quality of care the ACO provides,
                                                                         5. The government’s assessment of the quality of care the ACO
discriminate against any health care providers — acting within
their state scope-of-practice laws — who want to participate in             provides to patients, and
the plan.                                                                6. A determination to terminate the ACO from the program.

  TMA Ask: Ensure this provision is not misinterpreted to permit           TMA Ask: ACO rules must be fair and equitable, and must rec-
providers who have not been trained as physicians to misrepresent        ognize physician leadership on issues related to patient care, quality
themselves as possessing the education, knowledge and training of        assurance, and clinical integration. Physicians should not be viewed
physicians.                                                              simply as another source of labor.

Restrictions on Hospital Ownership                                       Funding for Health Information Technology
  Throughout the health care debate, the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland            The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical

Clinics, and Texas‘ Scott & White Hospitals were held up as the          Health (HITECH) Act, which was part of the American Recovery
gold standard of how to deliver efficient and high-quality care.         and Reinvestment Act, provided funding and incentives for physi-
All these institutions have one thing in common — they are               cians to adopt electronic health record technology. As a result, many
physician-owned and physician-led. In the future, these types of         physician practices have made significant investments in these tech-
institutions are banned. A provision in the PPACA (under the             nologies. They are working to integrate these systems into their
guise of “fraud and abuse”) actually prevents physicians from es-        practices and meet the “meaningful use” criteria established to re-
tablishing hospitals that participate in Medicare. The PPACA             ceive the financial incentives. However, just as these investments are
makes future hospital ownership illegal for physicians who go to         being made, Congress is considering bills that would repeal or sig-
medical school, obtain a license to practice medicine, care for          nificantly reduce its support for HIT.
Medicare patients, and then want to refer their Medicare patients
to a hospital in which they may have ownership. If a physician             TMA Ask: Protect the HITECH Act from repeal. Continue with
had already owned a hospital, the PPACA severely limits how that         the current incentive program to help physicians acquire electronic
hospital can expand and operate moving forward.                          health record systems. This will improve health care in America in
                                                                         so many ways.

  TMA Ask: Repeal legislation that limits physician ownership of
hospitals. Promote responsible ownership of all health care facilities,
whether owned by a physician, hospital, or other provider.

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