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Find What’s Missing. Keep What Works.
              Fix What’s Broken.

Find What’s Missing in the PPACA                                           TMA Ask: Repeal the broken SGR. Enact a rational Medicare
                                                                         physician payment system that works and is backed by a fair, stable
Sustainable Growth Rate: Flawed Physician                                funding formula. Fix the broken Medicare payment system before
Payment Formula                                                          giving additional increases to any other providers.

  The Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) is a flawed funding for-             Medical Liability Reform
mula the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services uses to pay              Texas has gained more than 21,000 new physicians to take care
physicians for the care they provide to Medicare patients.For the
past decade, physicians have faced double-digit pay cuts because         of Texas patients since 2003. Of these, around 5,000 can be attrib-
of the flawed SGR. Only emergency congressional intervention             uted to Texas’ medical liability reforms. Many of these new physi-
stopped cuts each year. The uncertainty surrounding the Medicare         cians practice high-risk specialties such as emergency medicine,
program, especially in this time of change, makes it extremely dif-      neurosurgery, pediatric intensive care, and pediatric infectious dis-
ficult for physicians to plan for the future. As a result, fewer physi-  ease. Texas patients now can get more timely and convenient care
cians are taking new Medicare patients. The new health care law          when needed. Twenty-one rural Texas counties have added at least
did not address this problem.                                            one obstetrician since the passage of Texas’ medical liability reform,

20 San Antonio Medicine • December 2017
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