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Tricentennial Commission Gets Under Way

                                                                By Fred H. Olin, M.D.

                                        BCMS member Alfonso Chis-          period should include a speaker with
                                      cano, M.D. has been selected as      experience in predicting future trends
                                      one of the five Commissioners of     in medicine. Mr. Pilgrim suggested
                                      the San Antonio Tricentennial        Jeff Goldsmith, a professor at the Uni-
                                      Commission. In addition to his du-   versity of Virginia, who has made pre-
                                      ties as the Vice-President of the    dictions in the past…and then, after
                                      Commission, he is organizing a       the passage of time, gone back and sort of scored himself on his ac-
                                      one-day seminar to be titled “300    curacy. He has acted as keynote speaker at many meetings, and may
                                      Years of History and Advances in     be invited to fill that position at this event.
                                      Medicine in San Antonio.” Cur-
                                      rently the seminar is scheduled for    If any of our readers have an interest in the history of medicine in
Saturday, May 12, 2018, in the Holly Auditorium on the Medical             San Antonio, Texas and/or the Americas in general, please let me or
Center Campus of the Long School of Medicine. In 1992, Dr. Chis-           Dr. Chiscano know of your interest: there may be a place for you in
cano had organized a similar seminar on “500 Years of Medicine in          the proposed program.
the New World.”
  The first organizational meetings for the seminar were held on             Later the same day, Dr. Chiscano convened a meeting at the med-
May 31st. Present at the luncheon meeting at Aldo’s were Dr. Chis-         ical school for the purpose of working out some of the needed details
cano Leah Jacobson, M.D, Bexar County Medical Society (BCMS)               for the administration of the program. Present, besides Dr. Chiscano
President.; Sheldon Gross, M.D., President-Elect.; Stephen C. Fitzer,      and me, were Raul Ramos, M.D., who had assisted with the 1992
BCMS CEO; Jaime Wesolowski, Methodist Hospital System CEO;                 seminar, Melody Newsom, BCMS Chief Operating Officer, and
Harold H. “Trip” Pilgrim, III, Baptist Hospital System CEO; Sister         Mary Anthony, M.S., Manager of Special Events in the Office of
Martha Ann Kirk, Professor of Theology, University of the Incarnate        the President, UT Health. Several other people had been invited but
Word; Dan Rosenthal, M.D., and your not-particularly-humble cor-           were unable to attend: these included persons associated with grant-
respondent. The CEOs of the Nix, Santa Rosa and University also            ing CME credits and an illustrator for the proposed announcement
were invited.                                                              brochure, etc. Among the subjects discussed were arranging for a
  This meeting was a brainstorming session, working from a tenta-          box lunch and the fees to be charged to participants, along with fur-
tive, detailed program for the seminar supplied by Dr. Chiscano. It        ther explorations into how to arrange the program.
was noted that, counting mid-session and lunch breaks, the program
could be conveniently broken into four modules. There was consid-            As time goes on, we will have more updates on progress being
erable discussion about what should be included in each section.           made towards successful participation by BCMS and its members in
About the only semi-solid conclusion was that the final afternoon          the celebration of San Antonio’s 300th birthday. If you or an organ-
                                                                           ization you are part of is planning to join in with a special event,
                                                                           please let Mike Thomas, the BCMS Director of Communications
                                                                           know and we’ll help you publicize it.

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