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   We were greeted at the La Meridian hotel complete with lavish          rounded by 300 meters of impeccably manicured gardens that en-
Christmas decorations and Santa as well. We joined the Christmas          hance the sense of peaceful beauty pervading the space. The Agra
party with noisy kids having a good time. Part of the delegations         Fort nearby was another magnificent monument where Shah Jahan
mission was to visit medical facilities and participate in an ex-         was imprisoned and from where he could see his Taj Mahal, a me-
change of knowledge. we visited the local Apollo Hospital where           morial for his favorite wife Mumtaz. Shah Jahan died before he
my dad gave a talk on ‘Clinical Applications of Hyperbaric Med-           could complete his own tomb of black marble; the foundation is
icine.’ We toured the facility and were treated to lunch. The first       seen along the banks of the beautiful river Yamuna. A flight delay
place we visited was the world’s largest Hindu temple ‘Akshard-           gave us the opportunity to visit the ‘Lotus Temple’ built by an Iran-
ham’, dedicated to lord Swaminarayan, a manifestation of Vishnu.          ian architect Farborz Sahba; built in line with teachings of the Baha’i
This branch of Hinduism has a large following in the Indian Di-           faith that believes in oneness of God, religions, and mankind.
aspora and we even have a temple in San Antonio. The temple was
an architectural marvel in marble. Apart from the sculptures of             We arrived in Udaipur the night of December 27th and joined
deities and the vast acreage of manicured gardens, the light and          hundreds of Indian physicians who came from all over the globe for
sound show with playing fountains of water took my breath away.           the annual Global Health Summit. We visited the Haldi Ghat, a
Through the colorful water fountains, the 25-minute show de-              historical site where in 1576 AD the battle between Maharana
picted a story about children helped by God because of their faith        Pratap and the Mughal Emperor Akbar occurred. We travelled an-
and devotion and destruction of ego.                                      other 31 miles to ‘Nathdwara’ also called Shrinathji a 17th century
                                                                          Vaishnava shrine. We hustled among the crowds, bare feet, trying
  The next day we toured “Old Delhi” which served as the capital          to get a glimpse of Krishna in the temple. The colorful background
of Muslim India for the most of the 12th through 19th centuries.          of flowers and paintings on the wall created an ambiance for peaceful
Many of the city’s mosques, forts, and bazaars date to the mid-17th       worship. We did delve in to the little shops with handmade imita-
century. In contrast, the present-day New Delhi is a city of broad        tion jewelry. In the evening, we were a part of the inauguration cer-
boulevards, landscaped gardens, and neoclassical buildings. The im-       emony of — the AAPI Global Healthcare Summit. We heard the
perial city is a creation of the British, who began its construction in   Health Minister of India speak, and enjoyed the colorful dances of
1911 and inaugurated it as the capital of India in 1931. Today, the       Rajasthan and listened to urdu ghazals poetry. The next morning,
city is part of the Delhi Union Territory, a federal district similar to  we set out to Mount Abu, the only hill station in Rajasthan, situated
Washington, D.C. (India Unveiled by Robert Arnett). We visited            at an altitude of about 4,000 feet. There we visited the 11th century
Raj Ghat, a memorial site where Mahatma Gandhi was cremated,              Dilwara Jain Temples. After lunch and a visit to the sparkling blue
the Red Fort, Humayun's Tomb, the Qutub Minar, a drive along              Nakki Lake, we returned to Udaipur and joined the other delegates
the ceremonial avenue, the Rajpath, past the imposing India Gate,         and enjoyed the world famous puppet show and a cultural program
Parliament House, the President's residence and the diplomatic en-        of Rajasthani dances.
clave. In Chandni Chowk we rode a tricycle rickshaw through the
narrow streets. On one street there was a Jain temple, a Sikh temple        On 30th December, we drove an hour to the Kumbhalgarh fort
and a church and the street led to the Jumma Maszid, one of the           that is surrounded by 13 mountain peaks, guarded by seven great
oldest and largest mosques in India.                                      gates and seven ramparts, strengthened by rounded bastions and im-
                                                                          mense watchtowers. This mountain fortress has witnessed many bat-
  On 26th December, we visited the city of Agra, which was the            tles. The next stop was the famous15th century Ranakpur Jain
older capital of India during the Mughal rule in the 16th and 17th        Temple. It is built in pure white marble with 80 domes supported
centuries. The magnificent Taj Mahal was built under the leadership       by 1,944 carved pillars. The Chaumukha, meaning four-faced tem-
of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan over a 22-year span in the mid-              ple, is dedicated to Lord Adinath, who is the first saint of the Jains.
1600s. After looking at this huge white monument, I realized why
the Taj Mahal is considered one of the Wonders of the World. In-            On December 31st, we toured Udaipur. The Majestic City Palace,
fluenced by Islamic, Indian, and Persian architectural styles, the        built in 1559, located near at east bank of Lake Pichola, Palace Mu-
tomb was built by 20,000 workers, an architectural feat for not only      seum, Rana Pratap Museum and the Crystal Gallery were amazing.
the Mughal Empire but for all times. Excerpts from the Quran and          The boat ride in the Lake Pichola was a serene experience and so
precious jewels adorn the detailed inlay on the marble walls, sur-        was the visit to the ‘Saheliyon ki Bari’, the garden of maids and the
                                                                          vintage automobile museum. New Year’s Eve was celebrated in Indo-

                                                                                  continued on page 28
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