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Dr. Fernando Guerra
Fernando A. Guerra, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P., who served for 23 chief executive officer of DCSSA. “Through that conscious choice
years as director of health for the San Antonio Metropolitan Health of service arises the commitment to lead. We believe Dr. Guerra has
District, has been named the 2017 recipient of the St. Vincent de modeled the servant-leader role through his lifelong commitments
Paul Servant Leadership Award by Daughters of Charity Services of to the underserved in San Antonio and Bexar County and on a na-
San Antonio. He will be honored during DCSSA’s 12th annual tional and international basis.”
awards luncheon from noon to 1:15 p.m. June 8 at the Whitley The-
ological Center on the campus of Oblate School of Theology, 285 Dr. Guerra is the founding medical director of the Community
Oblate Drive. Health Center, previously called the Barrio Comprehensive Clinic
and now known as CommuniCare, a federally qualified community
A practicing pediatrician for more than 45 years, Dr. Guerra, 77, health center. He serves on the board of trustees for the Saint Susie
also had academic appointments as a clinical professor of pediatrics Charitable Foundation, the Urban Institute and the Texas Philo-
at the University of Texas Health Science Center and was an adjunct sophical Society, and the development board for the University of
professor at the University of Texas School of Public Health at the Texas Medical Branch.
Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and at the U.S. Air Force
School of Aviation at the former Brooks Air Force Base. Dr. Guerra He is recognized as the principal investigator in 30 trials for child-
earned his medical degree from the University of Texas Medical hood vaccinations, and serves as a national and international
Branch at Galveston and his Master of Public Health degree from spokesperson and consultant in the field of childhood immuniza-
the Harvard University School of Public Health, where he was a Kel- tions, pediatrics and public health.
logg Fellow.
Dr. Guerra, who retired from practice in 2014, is married to Bev-
He also served on federal advisory committees for the Secretary of erly Purcell-Guerra, a public relations professional.
Health and Human Services, including the National Vaccine Advisory
Committee, the Committee for Infant Mortality, the National Chil- Founded in 1958, Daughters of Charity Services of San Antonio
dren’s Study and the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practice. is dedicated to establishing and maintaining neighborhood-based
In addition, he is an elected member of the Institute of Medicine and programs in south San Antonio and Bexar County, particularly for
the Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas, and is a poor and vulnerable populations. Serving more than 14,000 indi-
member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Med- viduals annually through early childhood education, after-school
ical Association and the Texas Medical Association. care, primary medical and dental care, counseling and social services,
DCSSA has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives while charita-
“A servant-leader is someone who, like St. Vincent de Paul, first bly contributing more than $20 million to this critically needed
wants to serve, and is focused on the well-being of the community ministry.
to which he or she belongs,” said Michael Bennett, president and
Tickets to Daughters of Charity Services of San Antonio’s an-
nual awards luncheon may be obtained by calling (210) 334-2300.
24 San Antonio Medicine • May 2017