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2017 BMW M2

 By Steve Schutz, MD

  The 2000-2006 BMW M3, known as the         brace, the new M2.                               is made for a manual transmission, by the
E46 to BMW insiders, is widely considered      Based on the 2-series coupe, the M2 is in-     way. If you insist on ordering one with pad-
to be the best M3 ever. Athletic and won-                                                     dle shifters please don’t tell me, it’ll just make
derful to drive (unlike its just-OK E36 M3   deed embraceable. Fun to look at but with a      me sad.)
predecessor), accessible and easy to drive   naughtiness lurking just below the surface,
quickly (unlike the expensive and peaky      the M2 really reminds me of the aforemen-          On the highway, the M2 is also good, but
first-gen E30 M3), and not completely over   tioned E46 M3.                                   it’s on windy back roads where it soars. In
the top (unlike the loud and untamed V8                                                       fact, its amazing goodness goes a long way to-
E92 M3), the E46 M3 was pretty wonder-         It certainly drives a lot like that car. Nim-  ward explaining why, for the time being any-
ful. For the record, the new M3/M4 siblings  ble, eager, and fast were the adjectives that    way, the M2 is sold out. Everywhere, not just
are pretty wonderful too, but with average   first came to mind when I drove the M2. I        in the U.S. A long time surgeon/car enthusi-
transaction prices approaching $80,000,      headed out to a windy mountain road as           ast friend of mine — and current Porsche 911
those cars’ wonderfulness can’t really be    soon as I could, and the M2 gobbled up the       driver who’s owned numerous BMWs includ-
called accessible.                           tarmac with an enthusiasm that made me           ing an E46 M3 — drove my test car and
                                             smile. Wow, is this car great from behind the    promptly called her BMW salesman asking
  Anyway, the oh-so-sweet E46 M3 of          steering wheel: hold revs through the apex       to buy one. Nope was his reply. We’ll take
many years ago has been missed, and it is    of a tight turn, accelerate carefully, and then  your deposit and fill out the forms for you,
nice to see BMW — the company that now       assertively as you hit a straighter stretch of   but you’re going to have to wait, even if you
sells nearly as many SUVs as cars — choos-   road, then brake hard and downshift, taking      do European delivery. Ugh. She’s going with
ing to give enthusiasts a car they can em-   care to match revs, of course, then hit the      a new manual 911 instead. Fair enough.
                                             next apex, and do it all over again. (The M2

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