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                                                     By Hetal Nayak, MD

  The daily choices we make in life can greatly impact our current      making healthy choices in the food you eat, the TV shows you
and future state of health. Yoga, in its many forms, can serve as a     watch, the company you keep, the activities you choose and your
simple guide to help create health-based habits by encouraging in-      sleeping habits. It brings about a complete transformation of your
dividuals to take greater responsibility for their own health and by    way of life.
making more enlightened choices in everyday living.
                                                                          It also brings positive changes in the people around you. My hus-
  In 2014, the United Nations adopted June 21— Summer Solstice          band, a cardiologist, now practices yoga regularly and recommends
Day — as the ‘International Day of Yoga’ that is now adopted by         the same to his patients.
175 countries. This is the story of one physician and a lifetime
shaped by yoga.                                                             The byproducts of this practice are that my bones on the X-ray
                                                                        look healthier and younger than ever. I can eat to my heart’s content
  When we moved to Floresville in July 2004 for my husband’s job,       and not worry about gaining weight and my HDL has doubled. My
I had no idea that the month prior was to be the last month of my       LDL has reduced to half and this year I was able to climb the moun-
anesthesia practice. I decided to stay home with our 2-year-old for     tains in Colorado, a steep hike for 1.6 miles, to 14,000 feet elevation
a few months. The break extended and our second daughter was            in less than an hour.
born. She was diagnosed with TAPVR (Total anomalous pulmonary
venous return) when she was 5-month-old and needed an urgent              It is now my passion to pass on the knowledge of yoga to the peo-
corrective open-heart surgery.                                          ple of this city and make San Antonio a healthy city through yogic
  I was diagnosed with pelvic floor prolapse at the same time. I
could not walk or stand for a long time as this would cause tremen-       In conjunction with the third annual ‘I Do Yoga Day,’ a targeted
dous fatigue and heaviness in the pelvic floor. Resisting vaginal hys-  program is planned for physicians and healthcare personnel on Sat-
terectomy at age 32, I felt the need to improve my core strength        urday, June 17, 2017. Titled ‘Yoga as Lifestyle Medicine,’ the session
through other mechanisms.                                               will feature Dr. Sat Bir S. Khalsa, PhD, assistant professor of medi-
                                                                        cine at Harvard Medical School, as the keynote speaker. San Anto-
  That was my introduction to yoga. Simple practice of yoga, be-        nio’s Dr. Venkat Srinivasan will also speak on a healthy lifestyle.
sides strengthening my core, brought a tremendous change in my
personality. Introduction to the text ‘Yoga Sutra’ gave a deeper un-      In conclusion, according to the World Health Organization, by
derstanding of the philosophy within it. Now, at age 43, and with a     2020, two-thirds of all diseases will be lifestyle-based. Chronic dis-
PhD in yoga, I feel stronger than I have ever felt.                     ease is responsible for up to 80 percent of all healthcare expenditures.
                                                                        Yet most health care professionals treat chronic disease the same way
  With the physical practice of yoga your body awareness changes        they treat communicable disease — with pills and injections. Let’s
as increased awareness brings mindfulness and mindfulness leads to      begin the dialogue about a healthy San Antonio.

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