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a myriad of other vehicle settings, all with a  modus operandi of this popular luxury           or anything else is to call Phil Hornbeak,
minimum of distraction. Thankfully, the         sedan. Audi has endeavored to make the new      who will gladly help you get the car you
comprehensiveness of the menus is offset by     A4 sportier than the last one, and presum-      want for the best possible price.
a good number of redundant buttons and          ably they did, but I was not able to tell much
even a (tiny) pad you can write on with your    of a difference during my time with the car.      The all-new Audi A4 is really all-new,
finger. While not as immediately intuitive as                                                   though you'll be forgiven for not noticing
an iPhone, getting comfortable with the           Certainly the A4 is quiet. Car and Driver     given its remarkably unremarkable new
MMI is easy, and it's about as good as it gets  reports that the 2017 A4 has almost the qui-    styling. Still, it's an impressive piece, and a
in a car in 2017. (My son, who works in web     etest interior noise levels they've ever meas-  car you'd be foolish not to consider seriously
development for a well known Silicon Valley     ured, just behind the Rolls Royce Phantom.      if you're looking to buy a luxury sedan in the
corporation recently explained all of this to   I never found myself thinking, “Wow, I          BMW 3-Series class.
me by saying, “Dad, if you're good at tech      don't hear anything in this car,” but at the
you work for a tech company. If you're not      same time driving it was always a nicely          If you’re in the market for this kind of ve-
you work for a car company.” Something to       hushed experience.                              hicle, call Phil Hornbeak at 210-301-4367.
keep in mind.)
                                                  Not surprisingly, a wide variety of options                       Steve Schutz, MD, is a
  On the road, the A4 is nicely buttoned        and option packages can move the price of                        board-certified gastroenterolo-
down and easy to enjoy. As always, Audi is      an A4 from its just under $40,000 base                           gist who lived in San Antonio
shooting for overall dynamic goodness rather    MSRP all the way to around $55,000, so                           in the 1990s when he was sta-
than race track edginess, so neutral handling   configuring your car online after a few                          tioned here in the U.S. Air
in most conditions with a touch of under-       glasses of Cabernet is not recommended.         Force. He has been writing auto reviews for
steer if you enter a turn too quickly is the    Smart BCMS members know that the best           San Antonio Medicine since 1995.
                                                way forward whether you're buying an A4

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