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2017 Audi A4

 By Steve Schutz, MD

  The new Audi A4 has been completely re-           ness, maybe Audi's consistent and quiet ex-       Audi continues to lead in interiors, and
done, which used to be a really big deal back       terior elegance is the way to go. Who knows,    the A4’s is especially nice. Most of your at-
when cars mattered and SUVs and                     but growing A4 sales argue convincingly that    tention will be drawn to the “virtual cock-
crossovers didn't wag the proverbial automo-        staying the course is probably smart. That      pit,” the big screen behind the steering wheel
tive dog. Still, as a lifelong car enthusiast, the  and the fact that five-year-old A4s still look  which can display general vehicle informa-
dawn of a new A4 matters to me, and I was           good to me while new Lexus RX 350s make         tion, electronic facsimiles of a standard
pleased to note that it now has completely          me squirm, and not in a good way. (Having       tachometer/speedometer — with a black
new bodywork, an interior that's both techy         said all that, I doubt I’m the only one who     background, white numbers, and red nee-
and warm — why can only Audi do this? —             thinks that the new A4 looks too much like      dles, as always — or a huge map view. But,
and presence.                                       the smaller/cheaper A3.)                        while that (optional) feature is undoubtedly
                                                                                                    cool, and certainly a must-order, don't let it
  It must be said though, that the new A4             For the record, the 2017 A4 sedan has         blind you to the other pluses of this Audi's
looks so much like the old one that even a          grown by 0.5 inch in wheelbase, 1.0 inch in     cabin such as high grade plastics, plush soft
gearhead like me has to look twice to be sure       length, and 0.6 inch in width, all despite      surfaces, and wonderful ergonomics.
it’s not the previous version. Is that bad?         dropping some 70 to 100 pounds. Exactly
Probably not. In a world where BMW de-              how much weight has been dropped de-              The multi-media Interface (MMI) user
sign is fading into the realm of, oh-I'm-           pends on options and trim levels, but we can    interface is worth a word. Using a rotary
sorry-were-you-saying-something?, and               thank Audi engineers for the use of light-      controller knob surrounded by a few but-
Mercedes and Lexus styling departments act          weight materials such as aluminum all over      tons, the MMI gets you to the climate con-
as though using subtlety is a sign of weak-         and through the A4.                             trol, audio, and navigation systems as well as

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