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                         By Troy Parks, Staff Writer for the American Medical Association

  Physicians from 27 specialties graded the severity of their               cent. That specialty, in 2017, is now close to 60 percent. Meanwhile,
burnout on a scale of one to seven in a recent Medscape survey —            on the severity scale urology landed in the uncoveted top spot with
one being that it does not interfere, and seven indicating thoughts         a 4.6 rating. That compares with a 4.2 burnout severity rating for
of leaving medicine. All but one specialty selected a four or higher.       emergency medicine. Infectious disease medicine physicians rated
The most affected specialty? Emergency medicine, with nearly 60             their burnout severity lowest, at 3.9 on the seven-point scale. Yet,
percent of ED physicians saying they feel burned out, up from half          over the four years between reports, infectious disease medicine
in 2013. How can the rising prevalence and severity of burnout              burnout rates rose 15 percentage points to make that specialty the
be addressed? Regulatory, systemic and practice environment issues          fifth highest in share of physician burnout.
appear to be key.
                                                                              For infectious disease medicine, it is hard to ignore the two pan-
  Too many bureaucratic tasks, spending too many hours at work,             demics that arose. First, Ebola entered the global sphere in 2014
feeling like just a cog in a wheel, increased computerization of prac-      and put pressure on infectious disease specialists, and it was almost
tice: In the “Medscape Lifestyle Report 2017,” more than 14,000             immediately followed by the Zika virus.
physicians surveyed designated these four concerns as the top causes
of burnout.                                                                    Rheumatology also saw a big jump in burnout. While about one-
                                                                            third of rheumatologists reported burnout in 2013, more than half
  “Today’s medical practice environment is destroying the altruism          scored as burned out in the 2017 edition of the Medscape report.
and commitment of our physicians,” said Tait Shanafelt, MD, a               Pediatrics, cardiology and general surgery also saw increases in
hematologist and physician-burnout researcher at the Mayo Clinic,           burnout over the years. No specialty reported less burnout.
in a presentation at a NEJM Catalyst event last June. “We need to
stop blaming individuals and treat physician burnout as a system              When the types of issues identified by physicians in this report
issue … If it affects half our physicians, it is indirectly affecting half  get in the way of a physician’s ability to provide care to a patient,
our patients.”                                                              burnout symptoms may present. “[Burnout] primarily relates to
                                                                            your professional spirit of life, and it primarily affects individuals
  Dr. Shanafelt delivered a presentation that same month at the             whose work involves an intense interaction with people,” Dr.
2016 AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago, where he examined this                  Shanafelt said.
scenario: “If I told you we had a system issue that affected quality
of care, limited access to care, and eroded patient satisfaction … you        The question then arises whether physician burnout differs from
would immediately assign a team of systems engineers, physicians,           the general working population. The AMA and the Mayo Clinic
administrators at your center to fix that problem rapidly.”                 provided an answer in a recent study published in Mayo Clinic Pro-
                                                                            ceedings. Compared with the general U.S. population, physicians
  And burnout is a system issue just like that, Dr. Shanafelt said.         worked a median of 10 hours more per week, displayed higher rates
In order to address the issue, the focus should be on changing the          of emotional exhaustion and reported lower satisfaction with work-
practice environment and the system, but “we have not mobilized             life balance, the study found.
the way we would to address other factors affecting quality, access
and patient satisfaction,” he said.                                           Though the general U.S. population does experience burnout,
                                                                            the current state of the health care system is clearly driving increases
Related Coverage                                                            in physician burnout at a higher rate.
  A double-edged sword: What makes doctors great also drives
                                                                            Organizations can make positive changes
burnout                                                                       One practice in Minneapolis, not far from the Mayo Clinic,
  In 2013, the first year of the “Medscape Lifestyle Report,” emer-
                                                                            found a simple solution to provide their physicians and staff a space
gency medicine had the highest rates of burnout at just over 50 per-        to “reset.” Hennepin County Medical Center, through their Office

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