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   Why do we find ourselves in this predicament and how might             from the ISP system if they desire, and in addition, all trainees have
we see our way clear is a question with no easy answers; but the so-      24/7 access to counselors through our Employee Assistance Program
lutions to this crisis will almost certainly require multiple interven-   or (EAP). For residents in crisis, immediate care can be obtained
tions on a variety of levels. To that end, the Accreditation Council      confidentially through our adult emergency center and the Depart-
of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) recently convened its               ment of Psychiatry. At no time can a trainee be required to see a
second annual Symposium on Physician Well-Being in Chicago this           counselor as a stipulation of employment, and the counselors will
past December. Over 120 experts from across the nation including          never serve in an evaluatory role for the resident’s departmental pro-
representatives from all the major stakeholders from the House of         gram. All counseling is strictly confidential.
Medicine*, researchers and other highly-engaged individuals met
for three days to review the most up to date research, hear directly      Promoting Wellbeing
from content experts, work together to delineate the causal elements        The ability of an institution, department or even division to help
and propose interventions. From my perspective, four major action
items were identified:                                                    promote wellness and the development of resilience in their physi-
1. Institutions must put into place self-screening programs to iden-      cians is a much greater challenge, since the essential aspects for well-
                                                                          being are different physician to physician. That said, there are some
   tify individuals at risk for burnout, anxiety, depression and sui-     things that may be considered essential to the well-being of all physi-
   cidal ideation.                                                        cian providers: a sense of community, a supportive environment and
2. Institutions must provide access to comprehensive mental health        a culture of respect among all members of the healthcare team that
   resources for those identified available 24 hours a day, 7 days a      eliminates aggressive, demeaning or insensitive conduct. For trainees
   week in a convenient, affordable and confidential manner.              the availability of adequate, clean work spaces, call rooms and nu-
3. Hospitals must promote an environment where trainees and fac-          tritious on-call food is a demonstration of their value and helps them
   ulty can maintain well-being yet fulfill their professional obliga-    perform at their best for their patients.
4. Hospitals and Institutions must develop system-based actions             Faculty and trainees must have allowances to attend to important
   and tools for preventing, eliminating or mitigating impediments        concerns during working hours, like obstetric appointments or den-
   to that well-being; while understanding the role work intensity        tal care. Updated duty hour rules set to take effect on July 1, 2017
   and work compression contribute in today’s outpatient and in-          again allow on-call interns to remain beyond their night shifts to
   patient environment.                                                   present on morning rounds and gain important insights on their
                                                                          thought process and management plans from faculty. In the case of
  With these four action items as signposts, how do are we actual-        important patient events, e.g. disease progression or end of life care,
izing these into the daily operation of our academic institutions and     residents are allowed to exceed maximum weekly hours. In its revi-
what is being done to help our wider community of physicians? The         sions to the Common Program Requirements Section VI, the
initial approach of UT Health San Antonio to this crisis has required     ACGME rationale for this change was to strengthen the interpro-
a dual response: identification and support of those already experi-      fessional team, provide time for faculty to model professionalism
encing difficulties, while at the same time working with our hospital     and rebuild the community which had suffered from a “shift work”
partners to develop programs that enhance the environment, pro-           mentality. In addition to these fundamentals, programs across the
mote community, a just culture, resilience and wellbeing.                 country are developing “wellness toolboxes” of methods or practices
                                                                          that promote these ideals. Some examples include team-building re-
Helping Those at Risk                                                     treats, nurse-physician collaborative projects, nutrition counseling,
  To help those already experiencing difficulties, the Office of Grad-    financial planning advice for trainees to manage debt, journaling,
                                                                          Balint-type groups, faculty-resident sporting events and mindful-
uate Medical Education has identified an interactive on-line screen-      ness, yoga and other stress-reduction techniques.
ing program or (ISP) that allows biannual, anonymous and
voluntary screening of all the institution’s 750 trainees for depres-       We are also working closely with our Center for Medical Human-
sion, anxiety, burnout and suicidal ideation. This ISP program strat-     ities and Ethics to connect with like-mined individuals within the
ifies respondents into separate risk groups with escalating levels of     institution and broader community who share a common vision.
response. To operationalize this program, the institution will be         The Center also has helped invite local and national experts to pro-
funding two Ph.D. behavioral health providers who will be available       vide their latest insights and potential solutions. Within the broader
during regular business hours to respond to these surveys.                community, participation in local specialty societies allow an outlet
                                                                          for discussion of these issues directly with peers and a chance to
  The behavioral health providers can then develop rapport with           learn about solutions used by some providers that may benefit oth-
respondents and provide counseling either anonymously through a           ers. One Chief Resident offered her elegant solution to this issue by
secure channel or face to face with referral to higher level psychiatric  asking her fellow residents to determine the one activity in their lives
care as needed. Trainees can interact with these counselors apart         that was most important to their well-being, e.g. running, playing

                                                                                                                                                  continued on page 16

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