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In 1993, the Texas Legislature, in an effort has distributed over $2.1 million to Boerne plus music and dancing.”
to equalize funding throughout all school ISD schools. BEF will continue to raise much-needed
districts in Texas, instituted school financing To accomplish its mission, BEF sponsors funds to ensure Boerne ISD remains a leader
laws where certain tax-based school districts an Annual Giving Campaign in the fall that in education. No contribution is too small as
return to the state a portion of their tax rev- solicits donations from organizations and in- every dollar donated to BEF stays in Boerne
enue to be redistributed among other dis- dividuals and also hosts the Rock On Gala, ISD to provide an excellent education for its
tricts. This became known as the “Robin a popular spring fundraiser offering an students.
Hood” tax law. Last year, Boerne ISD was re- evening of food, music and fun. Lemmons concludes, “We endeavor to en-
quired to return approx- hance education not only for
imately $8 million in “BEF is Boerne ISD’s greatest source of funding kids at every grade level, but
tax revenue to the state. outside of the district’s operating budget. It even more importantly, for
provides our schools with everything from kids at every learning ability
Because state budget —whether they are college-
cuts and “Robin Hood”
legislation have required much-needed classroom tools like microscopes bound, workforce-bound or
Boerne ISD to make and calculators to ‘out-of-the-box’ items like just need to be able to take
budget cuts to numer- the Star Lab—a type of mobile planetarium, care of themselves independ-
ous programs, the fund- and the robotics program.” ently. It makes me happy to
ing provided by the know that every child in
generous supporters of Boerne ISD is benefitting
BEF has become vital to providing a quality “Rock On 2016 will be held Saturday, from what BEF provides and it is leaving our
education for the district’s students. Every April 16, at the Cana Ballroom,” Lemmons students better prepared for whatever they
year, each of the nine schools in Boerne re- says. “The Cana Ballroom sits on one of will do next.”
ceives monies on a per capita basis for its stu- the highest hills in Boerne and offers a For more information about the Boerne
dents, and many teachers are awarded spectacular view of the Hill Country. It was Education Foundation’s Annual Giving
teaching incentive grants for materials to em- the venue for last spring’s event and is back Campaign, Rock On Gala and other
power them to give their students an exem- by popular demand. The Rock On Gala fundraising efforts, please visit BoerneEdu-
plary education. Additional funding is will feature delicious appetizer stations and or contact Leslie
extended to address evolving educational dinner by the award-winning caterer Don Pickus at 210.834.2809. BEF is a 501(c)(3)
needs on a district-wide basis. To date, BEF Strange of Texas, silent and live auctions, organization as designated by the IRS.
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