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SUPPORTING 21ST                          Established in 1997, the Boerne Educa-     tools like microscopes and calculators to
CENTURY LEARNING                      tion Foundation (BEF) is a volunteer-dri-     ‘out-of-the-box’ items like the Star Lab—a
IN THE BOERNE ISD                     ven organization, employing one staff         type of mobile planetarium, and the robotics
                                      member. The Board of Directors represents     program.”
Almost 20 years ago                   a group of community-minded individuals,
a group of involved                   ranging from parents, to educators and          Many other remarkable academic tools
and passionate parents                business people, who believe that providing   available because of BEF’s contributions in-
came together to ensure               a strong education for Boerne ISD students    clude software and technological materials
their children would                  significantly contributes to the success of   for all academic courses, supplemental text
excel in education by                 the students. They also understand the        books in reading and math, eBooks, a DNA
providing the learning                value that the positive impact of quality     lab and a forensic unit, ecosystems, digital
tools and classroom                   public education has on a community, its      cameras, art exhibits and a ceramic kiln, geo
materials needed                      businesses, property values and the families  mats and climbing walls for physical fitness,
to support the students,              that live there.                              musical instruments and numerous other
teachers and staff in the                                                           learning tools to use in the classroom.
Boerne Independent                      Revenue generated through BEF’s
School District. While the            fundraising efforts extends above and be-       “In addition, there’s our contribution to
group’s members have                  yond Boerne ISD’s normal operating            the ITSA program, which stands for Infor-
changed over the years,               budget. The educational resources funded      mation Technology and Security Academy,”
their determination is                through BEF support a child’s education       Lemmons says. “Upon completion of this
stronger than ever.                   whether their path is to be college-ready or  two-year program, students have both ad-
                                      workforce-ready, and every child benefits in  vanced placement credit for college, plus
                                      some way through the many remarkable ac-      computer technology certification that al-
                                      ademic tools that have been purchased         lows them to be workforce-ready if that is
                                      through BEF support.                          their career path.”

                                        “BEF is Boerne ISD’s greatest source of       As state funding continues to decline,
                                      funding outside of the district’s operating   BEF’s contributions are now more necessary
                                      budget,” says foundation president Angie      than ever to meet the needs of students and
                                      Lemmons. “It provides our schools with        teachers through basic 21st Century class-
                                      everything from much-needed classroom         room materials such as Smart Boards, lap-
                                                                                    tops and iPads.

24 San Antonio Medicine • March 2016
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