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Before we set out on our trip, N had visited Korea for a week. Was it was interrupted frequently) was to do my yoga and sit and try to
jet lag, lack of sleep, or the medication Melatonin he usually takes be- write for a couple of hours. This is a big part of the reason for my
fore and after international travel to combat jet lag. N started talking retiring plus the pull for wanting to spend more time with our three
about not being able to sleep at night, bad dreams and a voice talking grandchildren. N maintained his enthusiasm to teach and treat pain
to him. His sleep problem has been going on for about a year. Before patients and I was eagerly waiting for the day when he came to the
all this began, you could set your clock by the time N would go to comfortable point of wanting to retire. Each individual reaches this
bed at 11 p.m. and wake up at 5 a.m. Many times I had suggested a point at their own pace.
sleep study. He had consulted a sleep specialist and I quote the answer;
“Rama, I can take your money and do a sleep study but it will not Around 11 a.m. I received a call from N’s colleague. He said that
give you any answers for your sleep problem.” N was looking very tired and it would be a good idea for him to
take a couple of weeks off and rest. He was talking constantly, the
All of us came to the conclusion that N must take time off and fellows were confused and concerned about some of the comments
have some investigations. N refused to see a psychiatrist. He did see he made. He kept talking about him being Buddha, Shankara (A
one last November at my insistence. I was concerned about his com- Hindu Saint) and Jesus. He told them that he can teach them to
ments, conversation and jokes that had inappropriate sexual over- meditate and become enlightened. His jokes had sexual overlays and
tones. N said the psychiatrist mostly talked about himself and his some of his statements had no factual basis.
health issues and said, and I quote, “N, you are a 72-year-old man
in a 40-year-olds body. You deserve to have your urges fulfilled.” He Should I go and get him? Should he drive? Do I call him and dis-
also charged $500 for two sessions and would not give a receipt. We cuss the issues. He did mention the other day that his VW Prius was
thought a neurologist would be a good place to start. racing at 100 miles per hour. Then I saw N drive in.
On Monday, my first phone call was to the neurologist, a person Rajam Ramamurthy, MD, Professor Emeritus
who I trusted immensely. I felt comforted when she agreed to see N UTHSCSA.
the very next day. After retiring about a year ago, my routine (which
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