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 By Mary E. Nava, BCMS Chief Government Affairs Officer


                                                                          BCMS physician members recently attended receptions honoring State
                                                                       Representative John Lujan (Dist 118) on June 1, U.S. Senator Ron John-
                                                                       son (WI), also on June 1, State Representative Diego Bernal on June 2
                                                                       and Congressman Will Hurd on June 6.

                                                                          With this being an election year, there are numerous opportunities for
                                                                       physicians to meet and visit with elected officials on issues of importance
                                                                       to medicine.

                                                                          For local discussion on this and other legislative advocacy topics, con-
                                                                       sider joining the BCMS Legislative and Socioeconomics Committee by
                                                                       contacting Mary Nava, committee liaison and chief government affairs
                                                                       officer, at

  3 1. (l-r) State Representative Diego Bernal (Dist 123) visits with
                                                                             BCMS members Alex Kenton, MD and Rudy Molina, MD at a
                                                                             reception held in his honor at Club Giraud on June 2.
    2. (l-r) State Senator Jose Menendez (Dist 26), Alex Kenton, MD, Rudy Molina, MD and Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20)

       discuss issues of the day during a June 2 reception at Club Giraud honoring State Rep. Diego Bernal.
    3. Event hosts, Drs. Alex and Candace Kenton, pause for a photo with Congressman Will Hurd (center) during a reception held

       at their home in honor of Congressman Hurd on June 6.
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