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do. And then there’s the test track just out- in the dirt and mud. And you’ll know why. us on the Pacific Coast Highway had no
side, and don’t forget the airliners landing I selected the Carmel location for prox- way of knowing how much better their
and taking off every 20 seconds or so. view could be.
imity and sentimental reasons — my wife
Naturally, the idea is to immerse yourself and I honeymooned there 25 years ago — Both the Porsche and Land Rover expe-
in all things Porsche, and ideally, drive one and it proved to be an inspired choice. riences offer an opportunity to interact
too, either a sports car on the short test Connected to the relaxed but nicely luxu- with the brands in an immersive way that’s
track, or an SUV on the off road course. rious Quail Lodge and Golf Resort, the designed to connect you with either the ve-
Numerous specific drives are offered rang- Land Rover team has access to an impres- hicle you already own or the one you want.
ing from quick laps on the track in the sive array of trails that wind up and around And both experiences are fun. They’re just
hottest sports cars to slow slogs off road in 182 acres of tough terrain. different kinds of fun.
a Cayenne or Macan SUV, and all can be
done in 1-2 hours for $500-$1,000 or so. The experience begins with a brief but If you’re in the market for this kind of
detailed discussion of the capabilities of vehicle, call Phil Hornbeak at 210-301-
Inside, Porsche provides entertainment whichever Land or Range Rover you’ve se- 4367.
for non-drivers as well. There’s a museum lected to drive, followed by a drive into the
showcasing a few historic Porsches, a cafe, woods. Not surprisingly, you’ll tackle easy Steve Schutz, MD, is a
restaurant, and even a driving simulator to trails at first, but as the morning progresses board-certified gastroen-
entertain teenagers. you’ll find yourself on very steep and slip- terologist who lived in San
pery hills. I learned quickly that the famed Antonio in the 1990s when
Porsche buyers tend to customize their Range Rover’s capabilities were prodigious he was stationed here in the U.S. Air Force.
rides more than most luxury car buyers, so indeed, and I began to look forward to ex- He has been writing auto reviews for San
the center includes a place to do that prior ploring ever more challenging areas. The Antonio Medicine since 1995.
to purchase, should you be so inclined. afternoon session was more laid back with
Countless color palettes, leather swatches, a leisurely jaunt down a breathtakingly sce-
and bodywork samples are there to see and nic dirt road to Big Sur located way up
touch, along with a large HD monitor and above the Pacific Ocean. As I enjoyed the
an advisor. The process is easy and inform- bountiful beauty below, it struck me that
ative, though, as you’d expect, any person- the innumerable rental cars and RVs below
alized changes you make will be expensive.
The whole place is either a sensory de-
light or annoying cacophony depending on
your point of view, which means that
Porsche fans will feel completely validated,
but non-Porsche people may prefer to be
elsewhere while their enthusiast signifi-
cant-other enjoys the immersion.
While the Porsche center is all about
adrenaline and conspicuous consumption,
the Land Rover Driving School involves re-
laxing, unplugging, and enjoying nature.
And, of course, learning about how well
Land Rovers drive off road. Whether you
choose Asheville, N.C., Manchester, Vt.,
or Carmel, Calif., you’ll end up with a deep
understanding of how well Land Rovers do
visit us at 41