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Porsche & Land Rover


                                                            By Steve Schutz, MD

  Slowly but surely the vehicles we buy are  under the same circumstances. I can’t.          With all that in mind I recently visited
being homogenized. Government regula-          So, how do luxury automakers connect        two automotive brand experiences, the
tions, customer expectations, and universal                                                new Porsche Experience Center at the At-
benchmarking are driving automotive de-      with customers when their products aren’t     lanta airport and the Land Rover Driving
velopment so much that it’s difficult to     much different from the competition? The      School in Carmel, California.
make cars that stand out from their com-     answer increasingly seems to be to get own-
petitors.                                    ers and prospects out of their personal cars    Sitting as it does next to a busy runway,
                                             and into “experiences.” Presumably, when      the Porsche center is an assault on the
  Don’t believe me? Consider this: 30        customers are able to forget about their      senses from the moment you walk in.
years ago you could ride blindfolded in the  everyday realities — drive to daycare, then   Brightly colored Porsche road and race cars
back seat of a Mercedes, BMW, or Cadillac    to work, then to the grocery store, then      are everywhere, and the modern architec-
and know after less than a mile which was    home, repeat daily — and are brought to       ture with its chrome, glass, and high gloss
which. Today I doubt many readers could      a happier place where a particular vehicle    surfacing grab your attention here, there,
tell the difference between a new Mercedes   shines, those customers will be more in-      and there. And there. They should teach
E-class, BMW 5-Series, or Cadillac CTS       clined to buy that vehicle.                   an architecture class here, and maybe they

40 San Antonio Medicine • February 2016
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