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Continued from page 27                                                      the quality of our care.
                                                                              With an estimated cost of $45 million for building out the new fa-
  Michael Little, MD, Director of Cardiothoracic and Transplant
Anesthesiology and also a member of the planning committee, sees            cility, only a portion will come from UHS. The remainder will have
this as the next step in the path for cardiac service lines. He points      to be raised philanthropically. As a member of the University Health
out that we now have eight cardiac anesthesiologists who have all           System Foundation Board, Dr. Calhoon and other board members will
worked very closely in the catheterization laboratory and the operat-       be reaching out to community leaders and others to help complete the
ing room with all the cardiologists, surgeons, perfusion specialists        funding for the new facility.
and other technicians. The team has established firm relationships
among their members, which translates into better communication               This new, comprehensive Heart and Vascular Institute facility has
and trust.                                                                  the potential to truly be one of the best in the country for anyone, of
                                                                            any age suffering from a congenital heart ailment or heart disease of
  This effort serves as a template for the School of Medicine and UHS       any type. Programs such this are the future of healthcare and an im-
in partnership by realigning patient care and clinical services from the    portant part of the solution for dealing with the increase in heart dis-
more traditional departmental lines to focus on the needs of our shared     ease in San Antonio and South Texas, as well as across the country.
patients. It is the right vision for our shared future. The new structures  The School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center is commit-
will better support patient outcomes in a comprehensive, multi-disci-       ted to making this vision a reality.
plinary manner, as opposed to focusing on supporting individual med-
ical specialty services.                                                                           Francisco González-Scarano, MD, is dean of the
                                                                                                 School of Medicine, vice president for medical affairs,
PHILANTHROPIC FUNDING                                                                            professor of neurology, and the John P. Howe III, MD,
  An important part of this strategy will be tracking and reporting                              Distinguished Chair in Health Policy at the University
                                                                                                 of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. His
outcomes, quality and cost. This is something we have done in many                               email address is
of the service lines, but this new group gives us the opportunity to see
a broader perspective that will be crucial to growing and improving

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