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                                                                      DEAN’S MESSAGE

Dr. Calhoon, who performs delicate congenital repair procedures       EXPECTED OPENING
as well as bypass surgery and valve replacements on patients of all     The new HVI facility will occupy the first floor of the UHS Sky
ages, points out that the focus here is on the entire team and part-
nering in new ways that are better for the patient. The improved      Tower – approximately 47,000 square feet of space – housing
outcomes and efficiencies also will be better for the payors and em-  catheterization labs, non-invasive cardiology suites, imaging modal-
ployers. We have already organized along these lines with the UT      ities, echocardiography and electrophysiology. The build-out will
Medicine HVI clinic located in the MARC, creating a unique col-       take approximately two years, with the opening anticipated soon
laboration of cardiology, cardiac surgery and comprehensive cardiac   thereafter. This key piece of the HVI complements the newly fin-
diagnostic services in partnership with UHS.                          ished cardiac and vascular operating rooms and 60 new cardiovas-
                                                                      cular inpatient beds.
  Edward Y. Sako, MD, PhD, who is Vice Chairman, CT Sur-
gery, and Chief of Adult Cardiac Surgery, reiterates Dr. Bailey’s       Tim Brierty, University Hospital Chief Executive Officer, has
sentiment: This arrangement formalizes something we have been         been involved in planning the HVI from its conception; he notes
doing for quite some time at a high level of quality. A great ex-     that the power of this new operating structure is not just the day-
ample is the UT Medicine/UHS TAVR program (Transcatheter              to-day coordination of care, but the fully engaged approach of the
Aortic Valve Replacement), where the cardiologists and cardiac        providers and the hospital. It is a true integration of all these dif-
surgeons work side-by-side. Teams composed of cardiologists and       ferent services, with both organizations coordinated at a very deep,
CT surgeons provide multi-disciplinary approach in the initial        strategic level.
evaluation, diagnostic and rehabilitation processes. They also
work together in the hybrid cath lab/operating room located at          The HVI will also work with “Variable Acuity Units,” a concept
UHS. The TAVR team was part of the pre-FDA approval process           that is evolving around a multipurpose hospital room, allowing
for TAVR devices and procedures, performing the first case in         providers to bring a diverse array of care to the patient, instead of
Central and South Texas in 2012.                                      transferring the patient to another unit or floor. The less you have
                                                                      to move a patient — which takes more time, requires more staff
                                                                      time and is more stressful — the better the patient experience.

                                                                                                                                 Continued on page 28

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