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                                                                         Concepts to
                                                                         consider when

                                                                         By Joseph P. Gonzales, MHA, FACHE, PMP

  When discussing productivity with respect to a profession, it          something or someone. The use of measurements is usually a
usually is part of a conversation with respect to compensation,          means of improving a person or situation. An employee’s annual
and this may apply to both “employed physicians” and “physician          review is designed to determine if they have met their objectives.
owners in group practices.” The purpose of this article is to pro-       Raises or bonuses may be based on meeting objectives and com-
vide some information as it relates to the topic of physician pro-       parisons to peers. Now consider patient care. If a child’s weight
ductivity. It is not meant as the last word on the topic, nor is it      is off the age-height-weight scale at a well-baby visit, the parents
intended to be comprehensive in nature, but it can serve as a sort       are counseled in an attempt to bring the child to a healthy weight.
of primer on the subject both for physicians and others who are          If an HbA1c result is high compared to norms, the diabetic pa-
interested in the topic.                                                 tient’s medications and diet are managed more closely.

INTRODUCTION                                                               To be an effective clinician, one must understand many clinical
  In most professions, to include healthcare, the term “produc-          values, and to be an effective manager, you must understand many
                                                                         business values. As a provider, you are responsible for monitoring
tivity” is used as a measure of output (e.g., widgets, cars, or patient  not just the health of your patients but also the health of the clinic,
visits) that can be produced given a combination of inputs (e.g.,        practice, or facility in which you work. You also may have respon-
number of employees, hours worked and machines). Productivity            sibility related to mentoring peers or managing other providers.
can be measured for a specific input, such as labor, or one may          Your compensation also may be tied to productivity and quality
consider the productivity of a system — i.e., productivity related       measures. Optimal patient care should be the primary objective
to spending in a hospital, physician practice, health system, or         in any medical practice, clinic, or hospital, but the financial suc-
within a country — by studying the output achieved for a given           cess of the practice is also critical. A business or practice con-
amount of resources devoted to healthcare.                               stantly in the red will, at some point, cease to exist and will no
                                                                         longer be able to provide patient care. By having a better under-
  Like life, the issues related to productivity usually begin and        standing of the various performance measures used to determine
end with some form of measurements. What did the baby weigh              a practice’s health, a provider can do his part to keep the
and what was its length at birth? How old was she when she               practice/business viable, even thrive, and remain functioning in-
passed away? Our development and progress through life, school           definitely for the patients they serve.
or sports, is associated with some form of measurement against

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