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they have no symptoms. The disease is thought to be triggered ficient to impair nerve function. One of the challenges posed by
in a genetically susceptible individual by a combination of one or the knock out mice was that they had a short lifespan, so Dr.
more environmental factors. While there is no current cure for Bhat’s team had to find a way to take a healthy adult mouse with
MS, treatments can help speed recovery from attacks, modify the a certain genetic makeup, and knock out the gene in these adults.
course of the disease and allow better management of symptoms. They devised a strategy to suppress the gene(s) after the mice were
Treatments for MS target the immune system and are generally mature. The mice would then take approximately three months
called immunomodulators. for the symptoms to materialize.
A basic nerve cell consists of dendrites on the receiving end, a Currently, one of the goals is to “turn the genes back on” and
cell body (soma) and a long, thin axon that runs to the terminal see if the nerves are able to recover their function. Will these
end. The axon has an insulating sheath made up of specialized nerves function after 30, 60 or even 90 days of no function? This
glial cells known as myelin that covers its entire length leaving in- research has the potential to provide clues for axon recovery in
termittent gaps that are devoid of myelin. The thick multilayered patients with MS, and hopefully will lead to therapeutic remedies.
myelin sheath facilitates fast conduction of nerve impulses in Dr. Bhat’s team is looking into all aspects of the equation: the
axons and is therefore critical for fast signal transmission and pathology and the time course of deterioration, how the post-
proper function of axons in the nervous system. The gaps pro- synaptic tissue processes work, and how to halt and/or reverse the
mote this conduction (saltatory conduction). As Dr. Bhat’s team lack of function on the receiving end.
moved from the fruit fly model to targeting the genes in mouse
models, they focused on uncovering the specific molecular mech- INSPIRED HIS DAUGHTER
anisms of the nerve dysfunction and came to realize that it was Dr. Bhat always gives all credit to his mentors, trainees and col-
caused by a breakdown of the axon’s myelin sheath.
laborators, which include a dedicated team here, and researchers
MOUSE MODELS at NYU Medical Center, UNC at Chapel Hill, University of
Dr. Bhat’s research has focused on close to 10 genes, and Chicago and Virginia Commonwealth University, as well as to
his continued federal and private funding. He is supported by
demonstrated the resultant neurological dysfunction after their grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Mul-
manipulation. Their work continues to focus on the genetic and tiple Sclerosis Society, the Zachry Foundation for Neuroscience
molecular basis of the highly complex and intricate interactions Research, the Simons Foundation as well as generous funds from
between the neurons and glial cells in the nervous system. Glial the School of Medicine at the Health Science Center.
cells not only play a key role in axonal insulation for proper and
fast transmission of nerve impulses, but also in blood-brain barrier All of the work his team and collaborators have performed is
formation and axonal guidance. cataloged in a number of seminal publications in various high-
profile journals, including Nature, Neuron, Cell and The Journal
Part of Dr. Bhat’s research in mouse models is to determine of Neuroscience, as well as in many others. Some of his work has
how long the axon remains functional in the process of myelin appeared on the covers of these journals, which adorn his office.
breakdown. Many questions emerge, such as: At what point does
the damage significantly compromise motor function? At what On a personal level, Dr. Bhat has successfully inspired his
point(s) can the process be halted or reversed? At what point is daughter, Heba, who is now a neuroscience major at UT Austin,
the loss of function simply beyond recovery? Where is the thresh- who no doubt has inherited the genes to also be a terrific scientist.
old for “rescuing” a paralyzed mouse? What is the treatment We are fortunate to have him among our faculty, and his work
process for rescuing a paralyzed mouse? Can one get it to the has a tremendous potential to help many people with neurological
point of being able to ambulate again? disabilities around the world. To read more about his research, or
contact him, please visit our website at
Addressing these questions requires a genetic strategy, which is .
also a significant part of Dr. Bhat’s work now. Regrettably, it takes
years of meticulous experiments. Determining a terminal break- Francisco González-Scarano, MD, is dean of
down threshold of the axon — and a successful therapeutic in- the School of Medicine, vice president for medical
tervention before that threshold is reached – is an important goal affairs, professor of neurology, and the John P.
not only for MS, but has implications in many other neurological Howe III, MD, Distinguished Chair in Health
disorders, from Parkinson’s disease to ALS and spinal cord injury. Policy at the University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio. His email address is
It has taken Dr. Bhat’s team a decade to systematically knock
out the genes of interest to prove that each was necessary and suf-
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