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pin everything from the small and not sold       tions that we used to not have and now can’t         MANUAL GEARBOX
here VW Polo to the Audi Q3 CUV, the new         live without, like automatic climate control,          For 2015, the only other (non-GTI/R/hy-
Golf looks a lot like the old one. Yes, the      satellite radio, Bluetooth audio, navigation,
2015 Golf has more modern head- and tail-        and smartphone connectivity.                         brid) engine option for the Golf is the 1.8-
light assemblies that are very well done and                                                          liter turbo four-cylinder gas-powered TSI.
almost Audi-esque, and the familiar shape in-      With each new Golf, the car gets a little          The vast majority of buyers will select the six-
cludes more angles and creases than before,      bit bigger, which is good for interior space         speed automatic transmission, but Volkswa-
but I’d be surprised if any casual observer      and crash worthiness, but not good for               gen thankfully hasn’t killed the manual
could confidently tell the sixth and seventh     weight, so VW engineers are to be com-               gearbox yet. Get it while you can.
generation Golfs apart.                          mended for keeping the Golf down to
                                                 around 3,000 pounds. Credit the increased              As a car designed to appeal to a wide array
  Inside, on the other hand, the new Golf is     utilization of lightweight materials such as         of income levels, the Golf has an almost in-
significantly more up to date. The Golf has      aluminum and titanium.                               finite number of options and packages.
always had a nice interior, but the new one                                                           BCMS Auto Program director Phil Horn-
has even better materials and a state-of-the-      While the media and your usual assort-             beak will happily help you decide how to
art user interface for all of the various func-  ment of experts have been focusing on hy-            equip your Golf to make it best fit your own
                                                 brid technology and electric cars, automotive        personal reality.
                                                 engineers have been busy making the inter-
                                                 nal combustion engine better with ever-im-             The seventh generation Golf is the best
                                                 proving fuel efficiency and emissions. The           one yet and is worthy of all the accolades it
                                                 latest TDI engine — TDI stands for turbo             has received. It won’t get you noticed by
                                                 direct injection, by the way — like the one          valets or even your neighbors, but the Golf
                                                 in my test car is a revelation. Quiet with very      is a pleasure to experience. Its essential good-
                                                 little diesel rattle, fuel efficient like a hybrid,  ness plus the increased variations now com-
                                                 surprisingly quick thanks to all that diesel         ing to the United States will certainly
                                                 torque, and very green, the Golf TDI is a            increase its popularity here. How much is yet
                                                 treat to drive in all situations. It’s most com-     to be seen, but I’d like to see more out there,
                                                 fortable cruising on the interstate (using low       especially TDIs.
                                                 revs and very little fuel), but the Golf TDI
                                                 does fine running errands in town or zipping                              Steve Schutz, MD, is a
                                                 around your favorite back roads.                                        board-certified gastroenterol-
                                                                                                                         ogist who lived in San Anto-
                                                   For the record, the TDI engine is 2.0 liters                          nio in the 1990s when he was
                                                 in size and uses twin turbochargers to pro-                             stationed here in the U.S. Air
                                                 duce 150 HP and 236 lb-ft of torque. The             Force. He has been writing auto reviews for San
                                                 Golf TDI is rated at 31 mpg city and 43              Antonio Medicine since 1995.
                                                 highway. As always, while hybrids generally
                                                 get worse fuel economy than the EPA cycle              For more information on the BCMS
                                                 would have you believe, diesels usually beat         Auto Program, call Phil Hornbeak at 301-
                                                 their EPA numbers.                                   4367 or visit

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