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‘Killing Jesus’

  Written by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard

    Reviewed by J.J. Waller Jr., MD

                                       “Killing Jesus” is the third book by Bill          79-member religious court, the Great San-
                                     O’Reilly and Martin Dugard considering the           hedrin, which had absolute authority to enforce
                                     “death” of an important figure in history, which     Jewish religious law.
                                     includes “Killing Lincoln” and “Killing
                                     Kennedy.” This presentation concerns one of            Caiaphas was not a moral, honest high priest,
                                     the most influential individuals who ever lived,     and he and Pontius Pilate collaborated to keep
                                     Jesus of Nazareth.                                   the Jewish people subdued and under the au-
                                                                                          thority of Rome. Various Sadducees tried re-
                                       The first third of the book concerns the           peatedly to trap Jesus into admitting he was the
                                     50-year era of Roman history preceding the           Messiah and the Son of God (a blasphemy pun-
                                     birth of Jesus. Details of the lives of certain      ishable by death). Agents of Pilate tracked Jesus
                                     prominent historical figures are presented, pro-     and his disciples continuously to determine if he
                                     viding a clear background of the times, includ-      was promoting rebellion. However, the time
                                     ing Julius Caesar, Herod the Great, Caesar           eventually came. The people were declaring
                                     Augustus, Cleopatra, Anthony, Tiberius and           Jesus the prophesied king of the Jews and the
                                     Pontius Pilate.                                      son of God. Betrayed by Judas as to his location,
                                                                                          Jesus was arrested by the Sanhedrin. They tried
                                       Beginning with the birth of Jesus during the       him for the highest blasphemy, convicted him,
                                     reign of Herod the Great, Herod’s attempt to         and sentenced him to death. However, the civil
                                     eliminate all newborns is discussed. What is ac-     law of Rome dictated all death sentences must
                                     tually known of the early life of Jesus is reliably  be reviewed by the local governor.
                                     represented. Life was extremely hard with severe
                                     oppression and high taxation from Rome. Reli-          Jesus was brought before Pilate, who listened
                                     gious observances had to be celebrated in the        but was unable to find that Jesus had legally bro-
                                     high temple in Jerusalem where purchase of an-       ken any Roman law. He referred the case to the
                                     imals for sacrifice and money changing was con-      tetrarch Herod, who refused to accept any re-
                                     trolled by the Sadducees (the high priests).         sponsibility and sent him back to Pilate. This
                                                                                          was a touchy legal dilemma because Tiberius,
                                       At 30 years of age, Jesus was baptized by John     the ruler in Rome, respected the Jews and their
                                     the Baptist in the river Jordan. This was the first  moral stand on issues. Pilate finally “washed his
                                     suggestion that Jesus was someone special. He        hands” (a legal way to indicate no responsibil-
                                     realized that he could no longer remain silent       ity), and gave the Sanhedrin the right to decide.
                                     and that it was time to commence fulfilling his      They declared Jesus must be executed.
                                     destiny. Over the next several years, his preach-
                                     ing and his discussions with thousands of com-         Jesus of Nazareth was dead at age 36. The
                                     mon people were based on his message of peace        man who preached the gospel fearlessly, who in-
                                     and love. This, together with his episodes of        troduced a new faith of goodwill and love for all,
                                     healing, began to entrench in the many that he       was finished. He never was forgotten and now
                                     actually was the Messiah who for centuries had       has billions of followers throughout the world.
                                     been predicted by the ancient Jewish prophets.
                                     With his ideas, he began to challenge the world’s      The book is an excellent narrative. Historical
                                     most powerful men.                                   basis is found in the gospels of the New Testa-
                                                                                          ment, and in histories by Josephus, Pliny the
                                       Near the time of Jesus’ death, Herod Antipas       Younger, Philo and many other Jewish, Greek
                                     (the son of Herod the Great) was tetrarch of         and Roman authors. This is a most entertain-
                                     Galilee. Pontius Pilate was the new governor of      ing read.
                                     Israel, and Tiberius was the ruler of Rome. The
                                     religious head of the Jews was the temple high                      J.J.Waller Jr., MD, is a member of
                                     priest, Caiaphas. He along with certain other                     the BCMS Communications/Publica-
                                     Sadducees and Pharisees constituted the                           tions Committee.

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