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it. It would have been except instead of enjoy-  Houston, Vice Chair of Methodist Hospital         Semantic dementia (SD)
ing his family on the lake and barbequing up     Neurology Service, Elected Director of De-          People with early semantic dementia usu-
a storm, instead he retreated into the house     mentia Clinic, UTHealth-Houston and Di-
with blinds and curtains drawn. When he          rector Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral             ally complain of difficulty coming up with
spoke with his high school aged daughter on      Neurology Fellowship.                             the word or name for something. Words that
the phone she thought his slurred speech was                                                       the person uses a lot may remain available,
due to his drinking. A few beers he did enjoy,     Getting her sister on an airplane to fly the    more unusual words may be replaced by
but he never had a problem. His daughter         short trip to Houston was challenging             “thingy” or “you know”.
chalked it up to all the awful things he wit-    enough, protesting vehemently that she had
nessed as a police detective. The formerly af-   not done her nails and would not go. Dr.            People with moderate SD will have im-
fectionate son who doted on his widowed          Schulz concurred with Terri’s suspicion that      mense trouble understanding what you say to
mother even became aggressive and threaten-      her sister’s ailment was indeed, FTD.             them. They have increasing difficulty recog-
ing, and afterward acted as if nothing had                                                         nizing names and faces of people- even family
happened.                                          The diagnosis put a real name on the            and friends. Reading and writing usually de-
                                                 bizarre change in Patsy, but the prognosis was    cline but may still be able to do arithmetic.
  The doctors Terri and her mother con-          not what anyone wants to hear. There is no        Progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA)
sulted offered many and sundry explana-          treatment to the progressive degeneration,
tions, such as bipolar disorder, alcoholism,     and no cure. But now, Terri and her brother’s       Early symptoms include slowed speech
drug abuse, and once were even blamed for        family understood it was more than likely the     and trouble getting words out correctly. The
their loved ones problems. Terri did not give    same disease that caused Michael’s death.         person PNFA will become essentially mute
up on her quest for an answer, for a diagno-                                                       after five years or more and develop Parkin-
sis. She read any medical journal article she      How could so many good professionals            sonian symptoms that overlap with PSP
could, comparing the symptoms they de-           miss the signs and symptoms of FTD? Easily,       (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) and CBD
scribed to those of her sister and brother.      most don’t know about FTD. This became            (Corticobasal Degeneration).
                                                 Terri’s mission, and the Frontotemporal           FTD with motor neuron disease
  In the meantime, Patsy was losing control      Lobar Degeneration Association was born.          (FTD-MND)
of her entire life. She could no longer hold a
job. She would go off without telling anyone       FTLDA’s mission is simple, to raise aware-        The most common form of MND is ALS.
and be located days later barefoot in a park-    ness of FTD, educate medical professionals        Cognitive or behavioral problems, slurred
ing lot. Michael was already retired, but went   and advance research.                             speech difficulty swallowing, muscle wasting
completely underground, cutting himself off                                                        or limb weaknesses occur. About 15 percent
from his sons and daughter who adored him.       What is FTD?                                      of ALS patients have FTD on the day ALS
The crisis point came when the day after           FTD is a progressive neurodegenerative          is diagnosed another 60 percent have milder
Michael saw a physician at the VA and was                                                          degrees of FTD upon diagnosis. More will
told to go home and take two Tylenol, he         disease with an average onset of 57 years of      develop FTD later.
took his life.                                   age. There are reports of onset as early as the
                                                 20’s. FTD affects as many people as                 (Source: UCSF Memory and Aging Center)
  Terri was devastated and feared her sister     Alzheimer’s disease in the 40-64 age group.
might follow suit without ever knowing what                                                          The Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
the problem was. Time was running out.           There are several types of FTD:                   Association advances research through mon-
                                                 Behavioral variant FTD (bvFTD):                   etary support and facilitation of brain dona-
  After contacting some of the authors of the                                                      tion for families who have a lost a loved one
articles she had read she found a community        A person with bvFTD tends to exhibit            with FTD. FTLDA is also working toward
of very curious researchers. They wanted to      marked behavioral changes, such as emotional      the goal set forth by the NIH meeting of
know more. Terri began to keep a journal of      coldness, distance, stubbornness, selfishness     NINDS to establish an international FTD
her sister’s behaviors and communicating         disinhibition and overeating, especially sweets.  clinical trial network data bank for clinical
with several researchers across the country.     Impairment of judgment can lead to financial      specimens, family histories and cohorts to
Dr. Bruce Miller, Director, Memory and Age-      indiscretions with potentially catastrophic con-  speed the clinical trial process.
ing Center of UC San Francisco was one who       sequences. At times, they may behave inappro-
offered insight, as did Dr. Paul Schulz, Asso-   priately with strangers, lose their social          For more information about FTLDA
ciate Professor of Neurology, UTHealth-          manners, act impulsively, and even break laws.    contact us at:, or visit our
                                                 Memory is relatively normal, so dementia is       website at:
                                                 often not recognized.

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