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                                                                        DEAN’S MESSAGE

TECHNOLOGY USED IN NEW WAYS                                             have applied to doctoral programs and 27 percent are currently en-
  The IHPR is using technology in new ways. IHPR researchers have       rolled in a doctoral program. In addition, six indicated they were
                                                                        “confident” or “very confident” they would apply to a doctoral pro-
woven text messaging into several healthy lifestyle studies, including  gram in the next year, and 15 alumni, in the next five years.
a new tobacco-prevention service called QUITXT. In San Antonio,
Laredo, Eagle Pass and Del Rio, one in four adults ages 18 to 29          I have no doubt that the work Dr. Ramirez and her team are doing
smokes cigarettes and few are reached by services that encourage quit-  to promote healthful behaviors and eliminate health disparities
ting; this is especially true of Hispanics. The IHPR’s new QUITXT       among Latino populations will have a lasting effect on our local and
bilingual text-message service, funded by the Cancer Prevention Re-     national populations, as well as advancing how we approach other
search Institute of Texas, aims to help young adults in South Texas     groups and their disparities. To read about the many different pro-
quit smoking. Smokers will be able to text a code to enroll in the      grams at the Institute for Health Promotion Research, or to take ad-
service and get four months of text support and links proven to dou-    vantage of its many resources and materials, visit the main website:
ble their odds of quitting. The service launches this summer.  where there are links to programs including
                                                                        SaludToday, Redes En Acción, Éxito! and much more.
  Dr. Ramirez and the Institute train researchers and educators in
behavioral sciences and health promotions. This is one of the more                               Francisco González-Scarano, MD, is dean of
crucial aspects of the IHPR, expanding its reach by sharing its re-                           the School of Medicine, vice president for medical
search methods, expertise and materials. The IHPR’s NCI-funded                                affairs, professor of neurology, and the John P.
training program, Éxito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Train-                             Howe III, MD, Distinguished Chair in Health
ing, offers an annual summer institute and internships to increase                            Policy at the University of Texas Health Science
diversity in Latino cancer research by encouraging Latino master’s-                           Center at San Antonio. His email address is
level students and health professionals to pursue a doctoral degree                 
and a career in research. As of 2014, 39 percent of all program alumni

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