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Continued from page 28                                                   weight gain consistent with healthy growth and development. Based
                                                                         on the results of that pilot study, IHPR researchers successfully com-
for carrying that extra weight into adulthood, bringing a myriad of      peted for a five-year, $2.9 million grant from the Eunice Kennedy
co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension and stroke, heart dis-     Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
ease, kidney disease, as well as other nerve and retinal damage.         to study this intervention on a larger scale. I believe this will be an-
                                                                         other of IHPR’s successful demonstrations of how using patient nav-
   The IHPR’s Salud America! The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation          igation strategies and healthy lifestyles can have a significant impact
(RWJF) Research Network to Prevent Obesity Among Latino Children         on a patient population.
program connects and informs researchers, community leaders, deci-
sion-makers and other stakeholders targeting Latino childhood obesity.     The IHPR has stayed very much on the forefront of communica-
Since 2007, its Salud America! has developed an online network of        tions and social media trends, employing the latest in social media
50,000-plus Latino childhood obesity stakeholders and the first-ever     including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to blogging and infograph-
Latino Childhood Obesity Research Priority Agenda. In March 2013,        ics. Its blog at has more than 35,000 subscribers
it published a special supplement in the American Journal of Preventive  and 10,000 followers. Visitors also can find videos, recipes, articles
Medicine. The network’s new Salud America! Growing Healthy               and other relevant health information and resources, including a
Change website serves as a clearinghouse of Latino-focused news,         downloadable cookbook in English and Spanish. The IHPR also has
maps, resources and Salud Heroes stories to promote healthy changes      developed various award-winning publications, including Nuestas
in communities for Latino kids across the nation.                        Historias/Our Stories: Hispanic Women Surviving Breast Cancer
                                                                         (Historias), A Patient Navigator Manual for Latino Audiences: The
   IHPR research has shown that Latino children are specifically tar-    Redes En Acción Experience (Patient Navigator Manual), and Clin-
geted by ads for sugary drinks and also have less access to healthy      ical Trials Outreach for Latinos Program Replication Manual
food choices and to “active spaces,” such as parks and playgrounds       (CTOL).
for exercise. With that in mind, they created a pilot study – funded
by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – that did
not promote weight loss specifically, but instead targeted a rate of

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