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How is this institution funded or financed, and                            habilitation (PM&R), general pediatrics, neurology, nutrition, nurs-
how successful is the funding?                                             ing, family psychology, social work, and a therapy team comprising
                                                                           physical therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, and
  Currently, all capital funds and first-year operating funds have been    speech and language therapy. Each child is evaluated by these pro-
secured through private donations and individual donations during          fessionals, and receives a personalized treatment plan established by
the annual TeletonUSA telethon. The event has proven to be very            our PM&R doctors. Throughout months or years of outpatient ther-
successful, raising more than $15 million during each broadcast, and       apy in our facility, families work with the medical team to achieve
TeletonUSA has hosted three consecutive 30-hour live broadcast             patient goals that increase quality of life and every-day function.
events since it was established in 2011. The majority of the funds         Upon achievement of their therapy goals, children then graduate
have been allocated to the construction and operation of CRIT USA.         from our system.
A separate project is under way to secure private operational funds
for the future.                                                            What types of business relationships exist within
                                                                           this organization, particularly with physicians?
How does this care system operate?
  As an organization whose mission is to increase the quality of life        We have partnered with the University of Texas Health Science
                                                                           Center San Antonio and the University of the Incarnate Word to es-
for children with neuromuscular and skeletal challenges, it has been       tablish a therapy clinical site program at CRIT USA. Students study-
woven into the foundation of the institution to treat our patients and     ing physical and occupational therapy will use our facility as one of
their families regardless of insurance situation or ability to pay. We     their rotation locations, offering them a glimpse into working with
are strongly committed to offering comprehensive care for our fam-         a holistic and comprehensive chronic treatment model.
ilies at an extremely low cost for services. Many families will pay as
little as $1 or $5 for their visits. Many of our patients have been self-    We also have partnered with Morgan’s Wonderland, our next-door
referrals, although we have had patient referrals from various insti-      neighbors (see page 14), to develop an outdoor therapy plan for our
tutions.                                                                   patients. Our physical and occupational therapists and our speech
                                                                           and language pathologists will use the park’s attractions as alternative
  Our model functions by having a diverse medical team practicing          outdoor spaces to treat patients.
full-time in our facility. We have pediatric physical medicine and re-
                                                                                                                                        Continued on page 20

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