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SPECIAL-NEEDS                        All net profits from STAR Soccer, the Scorpions
        CHILDREN                       and Toyota Field flow to Morgan’s Wonderland to
                                       help defray operating expenses as well as expand spe-
Continued from page 15                 cial-needs programs and services. The Scorpions
                                       franchise is the first in professional sports to exist
16 San Antonio Medicine • August 2015  solely for the benefit of a nonprofit.

                                         Thanks to support from the Scorpions and gener-
                                       ous donors, Morgan’s Wonderland also blends fun
                                       with rehabilitation. The South Texas Regional Adap-
                                       tive and Paralympic Sports (STRAPS) program en-
                                       ables athletes of all ages with physical disabilities to
                                       compete in eight programs – wheelchair soccer, pow-
                                       erchair soccer, Paralympic soccer, goalball (a sport
                                       similar to soccer for visually impaired athletes),
                                       wheelchair football, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair
                                       softball and Boccia. STRAPS is already a recognized
                                       community partner of the United States Olympic
                                       Committee (Paralympic Division) as a U.S. Para-
                                       lympic Sports Club. STRAPS athletes pursue schol-
                                       arships to play Paralympic sports in college and
                                       membership on Paralympic national teams.

                                       A PLACE FOR FUN, HEALING
                                         The newest Wonderland, Texas, neighbor also spe-

                                       cializes in rehabilitation. The Children’s Rehabilitation
                                       Institute of TeletónUSA (CRIT USA) is a nonprofit
                                       rehabilitation center for children who are born with or
                                       who have suffered neurological, muscular or skeletal
                                       disorders and injuries. (See story on page 18.)

                                         “We’re absolutely delighted that CRIT USA de-
                                       cided to locate in San Antonio,” Hartman said, “and
                                       we’re thrilled they’ve partnered with Morgan’s Won-

                                          Top: Equicizer mechanical horses in the Sen-
                                        sory Village at Morgan’s Wonderland build
                                        strength, balance, flexibility and confidence.
                                        Photo by Robin Jerstad. Middle: The South Texas
                                        Regional Adaptive and Paralympic Sports
                                        (STRAPS) program at Morgan’s Wonderland en-
                                        ables athletes of all ages with physical disabilities
                                        to compete in eight sports. Photo by Robin Jerstad.
                                        Bottom: The Children’s Rehabilitation Institute
                                        of TeletónUSA partnership with Morgan’s Won-
                                        derland enables young patients with physical dis-
                                        abilities to do some of their physical therapy
                                        sessions in the park. Photo by Brenda Pena.
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