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absolute sense, as Volvo’s mid-size wagon is   make do with a holdover duo of 5- and 6-         and lane-keeping assist, blind-spot protec-
roughly equivalent to a Toyota Camry with      cylinder engines, but a new slate of “Drive-     tion, rear cross-traffic alert, and a driver inat-
even more storage space under the rear         E” turbocharged 4-cylinder motors will soon      tention warning system, are offered as
hatch. But customers looking for family ve-    power all V60s. Turbo fours are already de       options.
hicles at the V60’s price point of approxi-    rigueur at Audi, Mercedes and even Cadillac,
mately $40,000 can choose among the Ford       so Volvo’s a little late to the party. But once    BCMS Auto Program manager Phil Horn-
Explorer, Toyota Highlander, Buick En-         Drive-E takes over, expect excellent drivabil-   beak can supply any and all trim and option
clave, or even a decontented Chevy Tahoe,      ity and improved fuel efficiency. The AWD        information, as well as special BCMS pric-
all of which provide much more passenger       turbo 6-cylinder V60 I tested was quick,         ing, but expect nicely equipped V60s to go
and luggage space than the (admittedly         with a zero to 60 mph time of 5.5 seconds,       for $40,000 to $45,000 or so.
cooler) Volvo wagon. Where you sit on the      but the EPA rates it at an uninspiring 19
style/luxury/space graph is a personal deci-   mpg city/22 highway. Compare those figures         The new V60 is the first truly modern
sion, but keep in mind that the V60 is more    with the FWD V60 Drive-E’s still-impressive      Volvo offered in the United States in several
about style and luxury than passenger and      6.4 second zero to 60 time and 25/37 mpg.        years. Sleek, stylish and very Euro, the V60
luggage space.                                 (Of note, the industry bible, Automotive         won’t appeal to everybody because of its size,
                                               News, predicts that even smaller Drive-E 3-      but its fun-to-drive nature and Scandinavian
DRIVE-E TO TAKE OVER                           cylinder engines are on the way, too, proba-     roots are an attractive mix.
  At least the Volvo drives a lot better than  bly in 2016.)
                                                                                                                      Steve Schutz, MD, is a
those aforementioned competitors. Like all       Naturally, the V60 features the latest safety                     board-certified gastroenterol-
wagon versions of sporty European sedans,      innovations, including electronic stability                         ogist who lived in San Anto-
the V60 drives just like the S60, which        control, airbags galore, active front head re-                      nio in the 1990s when he
means it’s more fun than any SUV or            straints, and Volvo's City Safe system that                         was stationed here in the
crossover. The V60’s low center of gravity     can automatically apply the brakes at speeds     U.S. Air Force. He has been writing auto re-
and athletic suspension tuning provide an in-  of up to 31 mph to prevent or minimize a         views for San Antonio Medicine since 1995.
vigorating experience behind the wheel.        frontal collision. Other more advanced safety      For more information on the BCMS
                                               technologies, such as lane departure warning     Auto Program, call Phil Hornbeak at 301-
  For now, the AWD versions of the V60                                                          4367 or visit

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