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                                             By Francisco González-Scarano, MD

Our immune system is one of mirac-                                                 Born in Italy, Dr. Casali received his

ulous design and deep complexity. It                                               degree in medicine and surgery (magna

regularly saves us from intruders such as                                          cum laude) from the University of

viruses, bacteria or tumors; it is the sys-                                        Milan, where he was then a resident in

tem that responds to vaccines and pro-                                             internal medicine and also obtained a

vides immunity to illnesses. The study                                             specialty in clinical immunology and al-

of the immune system integrates many                                               lergy as well as microbiology and virol-

different disciplines and has resulted in                                          ogy. He pursued postgraduate work in

some of the most important break-                                                  immunology at the Medical School of

throughs of our time – such as vaccines                                            the University of Geneva, Switzerland,

for smallpox and polio and more re-                                                along with assignments as a field officer

cently for the cancer-inducing human                                               in Ethiopia by the World Health Organ-

papillomavirus. This research has been                                             ization where he trained at the All Africa

integral to the high standards of health                                           Leprosy Training and Research Center

and extended the life-expectancy most                                              (now known as ALERT).

developed countries now enjoy.               Paolo Casali, MD                      At UC-Irvine Dr. Casali is credited

On the other hand, the immune sys-                                                 with building the renowned Institute

tem can also be our worst enemy – pro-                                             for Immunology and the National In-

ducing autoantibodies and/or killer T-cells that destroy tissues in stitutes of Health-funded immunology training graduate pro-

every major organ system – leading to diseases like type 1 diabetes, gram. Prior to joining the University of California, Dr. Casali

lupus and Crohn’s disease.                                     was a tenured professor at the Weill Medical College of Cornell

RECENTLY JOINED FACULTY                                        University in New York. At Cornell, he developed a successful
                                                               research program in addition to fulfilling administrative and

This month I would like to highlight Paolo Casali, MD, a re- teaching duties. Dr. Casali was the director of the integrated

cent addition to our faculty. Dr. Casali, – a world-renowned im- Cornell/Sloan-Kettering/Hospital for Special Surgery graduate

munologist whose work is in the field of autoimmune disorders program in immunology, for which he obtained an N.I.H.

and its processes – was recruited as the new chairman of the De- training grant, as well as co-director of the Host Defense (Im-

partment of Microbiology and Immunology in the School of munology/Microbiology/Pathology) course for medical stu-

Medicine. He is also the holder of the Zachry Foundation Dis- dents, for which he received the Outstanding Teacher award

tinguished Chair in Microbiology and Immunology. He came to in 2000.

San Antonio approximately one year ago from the University of  For the past 25 years, Dr. Casali has conducted pioneering re-

California School of Medicine at Irvine, where he was a professor search on the molecular mechanisms used by B-lymphocytes to

of medicine, molecular biology and biochemistry, and director of produce antibodies. Dr. Casali’s primary field of expertise is in

the Institute for Immunology. His specialty is the genetics in the the understanding and regulation of antibody gene expression,

process of B-cell differentiation, and the means through which somatic hypermutation and class switch DNA recombination

DNA recombination and somatic hypermutation lead to the ex- — processes that critically underpin the body’s response to

pression of a virtually infinite array of antibodies with high affinity viruses, bacteria, cancer cells and tissue/organ damage in au-

for specific antigens.                                         toimmune diseases.

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