Page 39 - May 2024 SAM PDF
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BCMS EVENTS                                                                                   BCMS EVENTS

 Public Health Fest:  2024 Fiesta Kick-Off Paint and Sip Mixer

 Celebrating National Public Health Week  Off Paint and Sip Mixer at Kinected Coworking. Several physicians,   other’s professions and services of our Circle of Friends members. The
                                                                  This event offered an opportunity to network and learn about each
           The Bexar County Medical Society hosted the 2024 Fiesta Kick-
        medical students, practice managers and Circle of Friends members  evening ended with a fun painting session that everybody enjoyed.
 On Thursday, April 4, 2024, BCMS phy-  District (Metro Health) celebrates National   President, and medical students from both   joined the event.  Looking forward to 2025!
 sicians, medical students and BCMS Alliance   Public Health Week. This is a time to rec-  UIW and Long School of Medicine, includ-
 members participated in Metro Health’s Annu-  ognize the contributions of public health   ing Geoffrey Deckard, Gisela Ortega, Carlos
 al Public Health Fest at Mission County Park   and highlight issues that are important in   Alvarado and Cristian Castaneda.
 with the BCMS “Ask a Doctor” booth.  The   our community. This year’s national theme
 BCMS Alliance gave away bicycle helmets   is “Protecting, Connecting and Thriving:   For more information on National Public
 with bicycle safety tips, and BCMS passed out   We Are All Public Health,” emphasizing the   Health, visit
 documentation on Child Immunization and   importance of relationships and collabora-
 Vaccination Hesitancy. There was live enter-  tions to meet the goals of public health  For Vaccination Hesitancy Information
 tainment by McCollum high school’s Mariachi   and COVID-19 information, visit the BCMS
 Band, refreshments, giveaways and more.  Special thanks to Julia Halvorsen and   website at
 Jenny Shepherd from the BCMS Alliance,
 Each year during the first week of April,   Dr. John Nava, BCMS Immediate Past
 the City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health  President, Dr. Leah Jacobson, BCMS Past

                                                                               THANK YOU
                                                                 2024 Paint and Sip Event Sponsors

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